Published Aug 9, 2005
1 Post
anybody know how long to get reslts in pa? i took my test sat. thanks
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
Hiya jeep -- you should be able to see your license status on the state website anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks after you test. Hoping for good (and quick) results for you!
My N-day is next Tues. 8/16 - wish me luck!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Çan't answer your question, but good luck to you.
10 Articles; 19,022 Posts
PA license verification:
:Melody: Keeping the fingers crossed.
8 Posts
Good luck to you! I just took mine today as well. The other people in my class that have already taken it all know within 48 hours of their computer shutting off. Some even knew the next night. They post the scores twice a day once in the morning and once sometime in the evening. You can go to the department of the State of PA and click on licensing and verify a license or go to Again good luck!