Published Apr 13, 2011
178 Posts
I am moving to another state and am currently looking for a job. I know that the market is not that great out there so I have been putting out a few applications. I have gotten two calls back so far. One I did an interview with the NM on the spot and she said that they would be calling in a week to formally offer the job (I got that phone call today woo hoo). The other place (which is where I prefer to work) are talking to the NM and are going to fly me out for an interview in two weeks.
I was wondering if there is anyway that I can tell that first job that I am still considering other offers but I would like to keep that offer still available? When the lady called today to offer the job to me formally I told her I would have to call her back. The second job (the one I prefer) is offering more money, better location, and better benefits. I have to move in the next coming months and would prefer, somehow, to not burn any bridges. By the way the first job never had me come out for a in person interview should that make me nervous or is that no big deal? Any advice would be extremely helpful! Thanks!
95 Posts
This sounds tough- I am sorry you are in the situation! Must be stressful! You could ask the job that made the offer how long you have to decide. You could tell them you are reviewing other offers, but two weeks is a lot of time to "review". You could also accept the offer, then interview with the second and see what they say. If they don't make an offer, then you still have a job. If they do, then you would naturally quit the first. If you are like me, you may feel some stress or guilt over leaving the job so suddenly, but it would be for the better. And you probably would have only invested a month or less into the first job, which is a pretty clean break for both of you. I feel that if you were to tell the first job that you were holding out, they may look down on you, and like you said- you could burn bridges. They may tell you they need a decision quickly, or all of a sudden "someone else has come along". Not great ethics, but it DOES happen. Honestly, I would ask how long you have to decide, then accept if you haven't heard from the second job. Don't stress until you hear from the second job, and if they do offer you a position, make a clean break as soon as you can.
You could also contact the second NM and tell them you have received an offer but would really like to be a part of their team, and see if they can bump up your interview.
You ask if being hired without in person interview is okay... seems more of a risk for them, not you! I once took an awesome job offer based on a phone interview. Often times the company has you on "trial" initially. You should feel luck to have received an offer at all! Many nurses are struggling to find jobs.
Tough call- I hope it works out!
Thank you for the advice! I do feel really lucky that I have had two call backs so quickly. I don't know if I could accept a job and then leave. I would feel really horrible to tell you the truth. I may call the second job tomorrow and tell them that I have been offered a job but that I would really like to be apart of their team and see if they can bump up the interview. Thanks again!
557 Posts
Wow! We are in the same boat! I also have one offer at my second choice hospital while I secure the interview for my first choice hospital, both are across the country. I anxiously await what advice you get from this thread!!
Stressful indeed!
734 Posts
If you can not move up the Preferred job interview, I would recommend you take the offered job and withdraw or resign if offered the preferred job. And how do you know you will get 2nd offer and waht if they take 2 weeks to decide on you.. Sure you might feel horrible for not really taking it if you get the preferred job, but at least you will have a job.. Stall too long and I can imagine them offering to someone else.. Besides hospitals are not stupid.. here you fight to interview to get a job and then you need to think about it for two weeks.
I think it is great you have options but at some point you must decide on what job to take,, there will always be another interview to wait and see on if you keep putting it off.
Good luck with your decision and your move.
honeykrown, MSN, NP
385 Posts
Since u would be relocating, u can accept the first position n tell them it may take a while for u to move completely n u must pray that the second hospital make their decision by then so u can tell d other hospital u decided not to move.
Just my two cents. What state is this if i may ask?
I prefer not to say what state it is. Has anyone actually done that, accepted the first job then got the second job and left the first one? How did it work out?
1 Post
I am in pretty much the same situation right now. I am a Graduate Nurse and looking for my first job, I have one offer and I really want to accept it, except for the fact that it is not in the city where I want to live. I had a final interview today with another hospital (the one I really want to work at) and it is in the city where I would like to live. Unfortunately it will take about 3 weeks until they get back to me and finish interviewing the other candidates. SO STRESSFUL! I wish I knew whether they will take me or not so I could accept or decline my other job offer. I feel dishonest accepting a job that I know there is a possibility I won't really be taking, and I want to make sure that I'm being moral through this whole situation. It is difficult, so I think I'm going to just be honest with the first hospital... although that may not turn out well for me at least I have a clear conscience.
If you can not move up the Preferred job interview, I would recommend you take the offered job and withdraw or resign if offered the preferred job. And how do you know you will get 2nd offer and waht if they take 2 weeks to decide on you.. Sure you might feel horrible for not really taking it if you get the preferred job, but at least you will have a job.. Stall too long and I can imagine them offering to someone else.. Besides hospitals are not stupid.. here you fight to interview to get a job and then you need to think about it for two weeks. I think it is great you have options but at some point you must decide on what job to take,, there will always be another interview to wait and see on if you keep putting it off.Good luck with your decision and your move.
Quite the opposite. One place took two weeks to call me back, and the other took 2 days. 2 days! I just applied online. No phone calls or anything. A other place offered me a job on the first phone call. I turned that one down...
The market isn't that bad for nurses with experience. They still need us...
12 Posts
I agree with sweetpea; ask the first job if the can give you more time to put everything together since you'll be moving then at the same time tell the 2nd job that you are more interested to join their organization even though you have an offer in hand.If you can convince the 2nd job to move up the interview, then you'll be able to make a better choice.
Good luck to you.
PS: I'd like to know the state as well; am not sure why you are keeping it a secret...
It's Florida. Thanks for the advice guys!
118 Posts
i just have a quick question...since you are switching states do you already have a license in that state or are you still getting interviews without a license in that state? i'm trying to relocate as well, but i'm waiting for my new license to be process and it is taking months!