Relocating to San Diego...Need advice!!!!


hello fellow RNs!!!

Relocating back to California ---specifically San Diego. Was planning on moving to Oceanside but after reading negative views about now more confused on where exactly are the nice areas.I don't want to live too far south. what cities and esp. which good schools for my kids(from elementary to high-school). That is my main concern...finding the right schools for my kids. I've even thought of placing them in private schools but it can be sooo costly with all 4. The cities that I am looking at are Poway , Encinitas, Carlsbad. I don't mind driving a distance to work ( not more than 30 min!). We will start out renting ...but I can't decide on where unless I decide on the schools first. Please Help!!!I await for any advice you can give! Thanx!!!

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control. That's the website for the San Diego Union Tribune.

Alvarado is in La Mesa. Poway is the closest community to that hospital of the ones you mentioned. It's reported to have a good school district. Try searching for the State Department of Education to see if they have school district test scores.

If you live in the Coastal communities (Encinitas and Carlsbad), you'll a nightmare commute to Alvarado, (even Poway's not gonna be fun) but take a look @ Tri-City Medical Center or Scripps-Encinitas. Poway may be closer to Pomerado Hospital, I'm not sure.

Specializes in RN: L&D, LPN: Med/Surg, CNA: MedSurg/LTC.

Poway has a great school district! You can find info on how the schools are rated by going here and going to San Diego county. They're ranked on a 1-10 scale.

Poway Schools are great, but there are others in the San Diego Unified that are just as good. There are schools in the Poway School District, that are not IN Poway, but in Carmel Mountain Ranch or Sabre Springs, etc. Depending on your budget, I would check out Del Mar, Carmel Valley, La Jolla area. There are a few hospitals in La Jolla, Scripps Memorial, Scripps Green, and UCSD. I'm not an RN yet, but I did have my baby at Scripps Memorial and it was wonderful. Obviously, I would try to live as close to those hospitals as possible as the commute can be horrendous. I live in Mira Mesa, with better-than-average schools and I commute to La Jolla in 20-25 minutes (7:30am-4pm). I guess to narrow it down, for me, it's La Jolla, or Sabre Springs. (I currently live right in the middle.) My daughter goes to Morning Creek Elementary Preschool and that school is amazing.

I love La Mesa. I an not fond of anything too north, I hate the 5 and the 15 freeways. Give me the 8 anyday.

I like staying pretty central to the city too.

This is a little late probably, but I live in Oceanside and it really depends on the area you live in. But then, I live on the marine base (Camp Pendleton) so I'm in somewhat of a closed off community.

If you have the option, I'd move to the Poway / Scripps Ranch area. I lived there for 4 years and the area is fantastic, the schools are great and it is just overall a great place to live. And if you get a chance to work at Pomerado Hospital - GO THERE! It is an awesome hospital, I have friends that have worked there and raved about it. I also had two of my boys there and could rave on forever about it.

Unfortunately no matter where you live, there is going to be traffic.

Good luck!



I am also considering a move to San diego. Just have to get closer to the grandbabies. Have you researched the sign on bonuses and or moving allotment.

Any info appreciated I can give you a referral if I choose a hospital you work for.


I'm also considering moving to San Diego, particularly Coronado. Plan is to work at Scripps on the 'island'. My question is, can a single woman afford to buy a house while working as an RN? The houses that I've looked at online go for $650,00+ . Is it possible to be an RN and make a house payment plus all other bills? I really, really want to live in Coronado.

Specializes in NICU.
I'm also considering moving to San Diego, particularly Coronado. Plan is to work at Scripps on the 'island'. My question is, can a single woman afford to buy a house while working as an RN? The houses that I've looked at online go for $650,00+ . Is it possible to be an RN and make a house payment plus all other bills? I really, really want to live in Coronado.

Do you have a sizable down payment? If not, than no, unfortuneately you won't be able to afford a house payment in Coronado on one income. :( $650,000 sounds like the low end for Coronado. :uhoh3:

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

I live in Cardiff, and our schools give the much more expensive neighborhoods (Del Mar, Solana Beach, Rancho Santa Fe) a run for their money. Poway schools are good as long as you don't have children with any special learning needs. Their Special Ed programs aren't as strong as General Ed. I'd stay far, far away from San Diego Unified if I were you. P'tooey. Encinitas has some good elementary schools, but I'd stay out of any neighborhood that would land your kids in Paul Ecke elementary. Once the kids are in middle school, they'll feed into the San Dieguito district, and there are many options open. For my money, San Dieguito is the best of the county's unified systems.

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

"....Plan is to work at Scripps on the 'island'. "

Sharp is the parent co for Coronado Hospital. Unfortunately, $650,000 probably won't buy a garage in Coronado, much less a tear-down!

I really, really want to live in Coronado, too. I'm not holding my breath!!! Dang it.

Do you have a sizable down payment? If not, than no, unfortuneately you won't be able to afford a house payment in Coronado on one income. :( $650,000 sounds like the low end for Coronado. :uhoh3:

No, unfortunately I won't have much of a down payment. When I move I'll be fresh out of nursing school. When I did the math for the monthly house payment I was very dismayed. How can anyone afford that? The $650,000 house was a bit run down but it was a house. I wouldn't mind an apt. but I'm not used to living in one. But, if I'm living in Coronado I'll be happy.

How much do apartments go for - 1 bedroom?

Thanks so much for your reply!

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