Reliving My Passion

As a child, my interest with healthcare was obvious. Life somehow takes a series of steps which lead you far away from your passion. Then, the very same life, gives you opportunities to grab back what it took away from you. Passion never dies! Nurses Announcements Archive Article


Reliving My Passion

Fascination towards the healthcare industry was not something that sprouted in me for the recent years. As a child, I have always wanted a pair of vinyl surgical gloves as a present. I craved to get the feel of it and move my fingers inside. The white lab coats seemed like a holy gown like the ones which the Gods would wear! I yearned to listen to the sounds from a stethoscope. Growing up, my parents knew well that I had a liking towards these materials which related to healthcare but what I had was more than a liking. I had a longing! In fact, I loved the smell of hospitals but dared to reveal this as I had the fear of being frowned upon this peculiar liking.

It is a common understanding that a plant may fail to thrive without fertilizers. Looking back, I feel like this can happen with humans too! Without any boost to feed my interests, I failed to follow my heart and make myself a career in healthcare. Life can act very funny sometimes and life changing things can happen before you realize it. I got married and had a family by twenty. At that point, I started accepting my domestic life as it was and that it was probably how my life was meant to be!

Years passed by doing household chores, pleasing family and raising kids little realizing that once upon a time, I did have a passion towards something. Seemed like that that 'passion' in me had died and wilted away long ago.

Something magical happened when my daughters grew up. It felt like they let go of me. I no longer had babies to feed, toddlers to potty train, preschoolers to teach and elementary school kids to help with homework. I started to imagine how my life would be in years ahead.

How can someone have all this time and not do anything with it? Will I be able to live a sane life when my kids moved to college? The choice was solely mine - to become caught in a lonely, depressed life or become vibrant using my new independence. I tried to initiate small business plans to work on, do little jobs here and there but again, something did not feel quite right. I felt incompleteness and searched all around to fill in what was missing inside me.

It took me four days of hospitalization for me to spark that childhood passion I had for healthcare. I had enjoyed being in and around the hospital for those four days and found that I had gained a new source of energy to thrive on. The unpleasant part was that the hospitalization was not for me but my father-in-law!

It dawned upon me that passion never dies. I still had that love for healthcare. I remembered how I had longed to make myself a healthcare professional and gave up to life. Now, it is life's turn to produce me with an opportunity to pursue my dreams. I have a second chance at defining my career through the growth of my children-through the establishment of my family life!

After my realization, my energy knew no bounds. I looked into what it takes to become a registered nurse. I made myself a plan and did not let me age be a part of it. I took appointments with counselors to consult my plan and everything felt right. Here I am a student again. This time, harder working, more goal oriented, and more determined as ever. I completed the pre-requisites with awe and am standing by for admittance into nursing programs. I can never say that I did not have a chance to follow my dreams. Passion is something within everyone and it needs the right time to blossom. I believe that now, it is my time and I will relentlessly achieve it with pride.

Nursing Student

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Specializes in MED-SURG Certified.

Good for you. I would like to encourage you in your endeavors. Take that passion to th max.

My story echos yours only it was my husband who ended up in the hospital burn unit and after a long stay there and being trained in his care. Three grown children only one still at home at the time. My passion for nursing was reborn. It's never too late to follow your dreams! I'm in my 50s and I will graduate nursing school May 2016! Finishing up my last semester as a junior this month! Nursing school has been the biggest challenge of my life but the rewards of knowing I never gave up on that dream make all my hard work so worthwhile. I can't wait to see that RN after my name. All the best to you in this incredible journey to the rest of your life as a nurse!!!

I was born with this passion and although life sidetracked me in many directions I am in pursuit of the dream once again.

Thank you! I feel like we are kindred spirits. Posts like these make me feel so much better. I'm 37 years old and have been dedicated to raising my two boys for the last 17 years. I always have loved nursing and been involved the in the medical field in one capacity or another for the past 15 years. Sitting through pre-req classes being the oldest student in class has made me second-guess myself, but I just received my acceptance letter in very competitive nursing program and I am so excited! Once again, thank you!

Hi paisleybird,

I was six years old when I announced to my mom and aunts that I wanted to be a doctor then life happened to me you know young marriage children job mortgage et al I have been lucky to have nurse friends who encouraged me to go to college and try to become a nurse (not an easy thing to to for an average learner slow reader with family to support) and life went on now retired and children grown and on their own I am a CNA in LTC and waiting on acceptance to a nursing program

PS. The avatar on my profile is a tattoo I have on my shoulder that keeps me inspired and focused on my goal.

I also started Nursing School after raising my son. I was due to graduate in May of 1990, but was in a bad car wreck. Had a lot of recovery time. Memory loss and other problems. Had to start over with basic 10th grade Biology, but made it through everything and graduated with a ADN in Nursing in 1998. I have known since I was 4 years old I wanted to be a Nurse. I love being a Nurse. Have tried different types of Nursing and have learned a lot about people. Whether they were poor, rich, injured, sick or drug seeking. Everyone has a history and story to tell. You have to listen to their story to find out what is really wrong. I wish you a lot of luck. I find older Nurses make the best in regards to patience and listening. You will not regret following your dreams and passion.