Published Apr 11, 2004
21 Posts
I often read Billy Graham's column and thought today's was particulary pertinent to our profession. I'm just curious as to your own personal thoughts and feelings on the matter. (Please, no screaming at one another...this is not a debate.)
Dear Dr. Graham,
I'd like to be a Christian, but I have a hard time believing that Jesus rose from the dead. You see, I'm an intensive care nurse, and I know that once a person dies, that's the end. Maybe you can help me get past these doubts. -- Mrs. K.W.
Dear Mrs. K.W.:
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the most important event in all history -- and yes, incredible as it may seem, it really did happen.
In fact, it might interest you to know that one of the Gospels was written by a medical doctor (Luke). Like you, he knew that death is final and irreversible -- and yet he also gave us one of the most extensive accounts of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Why? Because he had thoroughly investigated the evidence for Jesus' resurrection for himself and he knew only one conclusion was possible: Jesus had come back from the dead.
Why is the resurrection important? Why did God raise Jesus from the dead? One reason was to prove that Jesus was who He said He was: the divine Son of God, sent from heaven to save us from our sins. The Bible says that He "was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 1:4). The resurrection sets Jesus apart from every other person who has ever lived.
But the resurrection points to an even greater truth: Death has now been conquered! The grave is not the end, but heaven's doors are now open! Jesus is alive, and He wants to come into your life today. Why not discover this great truth for yourself by turning to Christ today?
Edited to remove the dead link that stretched things past the edge of the screen - hope it makes it easier to read :)! - Ratched
My apologies for the spacing error. I'm still rather green at this and had no idea this would go beyond the margins.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
I do not believe in Christ as I do not believe in original sin, thus a G-d that would require a sacrifice of his son has no meaning for me. It also would be wrong for me to worship a G-d that would behave in such a manner. Mine is a G-d of loving, caring and concern, not of ill doing.
Therefore Mr.Graham's arguments are moot.
Therefore I must pass on your "know Christ" offer as I have done so many times before...when offered so many "proof discussions" before.
So Luke was a doctor, where was he licensed and what was his specialty? Many MDs of his time bled people to death trying to cure illness. Evidence has shown that people were buried alive by accident, up into the last 100 years, due to being in comas and diagnosed as "dead". Doctors marked people as witches and listed them as possessed by demons, when they had seizures. Doctors in the middle ages as well as theologians debated as to whether women even had human souls. They identified birth marks as marks of evil. Such "respected" doctors as Freud had Cocaine habits, just as some MDs do today. MDs in the early 20th century listed seizures in women as being caused by nymphomania and had their genitals mutilated to "cure" them.
So saying Luke was a Physician means very little when one reviews physicians in the great scheme of history.
Faith is a thing of belief first and foremost. Not requiring proof, whatsoever.
Would that those that preach great Faith actually respected those of other Faiths, enough not to play "prove it to me" games with the Faith that they value and espouse because there is little that can be "proven" undoubtably in this world.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,575 Posts
My personal feelings, without screaming and without debate as you requested, are that Mr. Graham's thought for the day is meaningless to me and my life and profression. :)
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
Absolutely without value for me personally. I respect Mr Graham for his beliefs though.
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
I thought he died long ago
184 Posts
Faith is a thing of belief first and foremost. Not requiring proof, whatsoever.Would that those that preach great Faith actually respected those of other Faiths, enough not to play "prove it to me" games with the Faith that they value and espouse because there is little that can be "proven" undoubtably in this world.
Nicely said...
but I'll stay out of this one...
sbic56, BSN, RN
1,437 Posts
I don't believe there was a resurrectioin either. If Jesus reappeared, it was because he was never dead.
Do you have your flame retardant suit on for this one??????
Could be I should, but I doubt it. I think I've been marked, by now, as an incorrigable heathen. But, seriously, how many people have ever been declared dead when in fact they were comatose/ unconscious? Odds are that is the way it was and I'm sticking to it! ( I know you are with me on this one. I also know you aren't going to touch it! )
151 Posts
I normally stay out of these kinds of discussions with people I hardly know :) , but, hey, I'm spicin' things up today. Anyway, personally, being of Christian/Cathloic faith, I do believe in the ressurection of Christ, and my beliefs have actually helped spawn my passion and choice to be a nurse. But, I do think that possibly, Jesus's body was stolen or consumed by animals, and it was his spirit or soul that spoke to the apostles. From my study of theology, Mary Magdelan was actually a visionary back in the day, and thus, was the first one to "see" the ressurected Christ. I believe what she was seeing was the spirit of Jesus. That's just my belief. I also believe in ghosts, an afterlife, and NDE's. Each to his own! :) Louisepug
491 Posts
Oh, didn't realize that Billy was there 2000 years ago :angryfire ... I am Presbryterian, but believe that the bible is metaphorical. Ain't no one rising from the dead...I think the message is that being conveyed is that death isn't the end and/or personal change is always possible. And it's funny how "holy" billy is, and then goes on to bash some of god's children (gay, jewish,etc.) Someone who is truly enlightened shows tolerance and acceptance of others.