
Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Specializes in Med Surg.

Well, I finally got my letter on Friday. I was not accepted to the nursing program at UNC-- Northern Colorado. I knew the moment I saw the letter and hadn't yet received a phone call (all the people who got in got calls).

So I cried for about a half hour while I formed plan B. So now once this semester is over, all my pre-reqs are done. I have a meeting this Friday with UNC to see where they believe I fell short so that I can work on that. Once this semester is over, I'll begin working 4- 10's at my FT job. I'll get a job at a nursing home, or possibly the other hospital as a CNA for 1-2 days/week for 2-3 weeks of the month. And I'll take my dog to obedience lessons to blow off some steam-- that's my reward for all the stress of pre-reqs and working FT etc.

I'm crushed, but I WILL carry on and try harder next year. And next year, my focus won't be so divided, between school, work and applying for both nursing school and scholarships.

That's another thing. I also had an interview for a scholarship that paid all tuition, books and a stipend. I was 1 of 4 people selected for interviews for that scholarship. I had to call to let them know I didn't make it into nursing school. URGH!!

Specializes in ICU;CCU;Telemetry;L&D;Hospice;ER/Trauma;.

I am sorry for your rejection letter....

But it sounds like you picked yourself up...dusted off the 'ouch' and put yourself into a spot where you are not going to give up....


Why limit yourself to just No. Colo.?? What about other schools....and other scholarships....the world is your oyster....and you have the chutzpah to go get it....

Now...go kick butt!!

Specializes in Med Surg.

Well, I can't just go anywhere. I'm married, and my husband's job is here. (If it weren't for him taking on extra work, I wouldn't be able to afford to go to nursing school). All of our family is here. I have a BS (Animal Science) already, so I'm trying for the accelerated 2nd degree program. UNC is the closest university that offers nursing school, and also one of the most reputable. And since I hope to work at NCMC (the local hospital) as a CNA through school (right now I do insurance auths for NCMC) that'll keep the commuting to a minimum. I commuted for 4 years to CSU, and hated the "wasted" time driving back and forth for nearly an hour each way-- I'd rather have spent that time studying!! So, I just decided it was better to apply to the "in town" university... But the 2nd degree program has 18 slots for NCMC and 18 slots for PVH (another hospital-- about an hour away). I only applied to the NCMC portion of the program (foolishly believing that since I was an employee there that they'd pick me)-- next year I'm applying to the traditional, and both the 2nd degree programs.

I am really sorry about your letter. Sounds like you have another plan in mind, so good luck with that. Things always work out for the best. It helps if you keep that in mind.

:icon_hug:i'm sorry:icon_hug:

Specializes in LTC/Skilled Care/Rehab.

((((HUGS)))) I'm sorry you didn't get it. Your plan B sounds pretty good though. Good luck for next year!

So very sorry. Sounds like your attitude is great though. If I get a rejection letter I'm not so sure I'll be able to handle it with as much grace as you've shown. Good luck for next year!


Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I'm sorry you didn't get in, but I'm glad that you are handling it so well and even have a second plan of attack lined up. Like Vicky said, I don't think I'd handle rejection with the same grace as you did.

Hopefully you'll learn more about why you didn't get in when you meet with them, so you know what you have to address for next year.

Good luck!


Is that the only school in your area that you can apply to? I know alot of people are set getting a BSN right away, and that was my plan as well. I figure I wouldn't get a charge position for at least 2 years, and during that time, I'm going to work on my BSN and get the hospital to pay for it.


Specializes in Med Surg.

Thanks for being so supportive! Not getting in is tough-- my husband and I wanted to start trying for kids after nursing school-- and we aren't getting any younger! I'm mostly bummed that I have to wait a whole year to apply again! Thanks again, and a big :balloons: CONGRATS :balloons: to all of you who made it in! Hope you all do well!

So sorry to hear about your setback. Hang in there. Look at this as an opportunity to stash away some money and give your mind a much needed rest. A year will pass whether you start this year or next. It will happen. Don't give up!


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