Recreational THC = now starting IPN!

Nurses Recovery


Well...... hello new friends!

As a "new" Registered Nurse of 2 1/2 years @ 43 years old, a part of my "previous life" did not fall away as completely as it should have. A phone call was made ( and I strongly suspect this was by a co-worker who knew too much of my personal life, and who was increasingly aggressive and confrontational with me at work over the last several months.... regardless of that fact, however, I OWN this now and here I am.... )

This occured last Thursday. I was escorted to HR by mgmt., and then went to give blood & urine. Prior to this, when asked by HR if I "thought it could be positive" I simply, honestly stated, "Yes, it's possible." I did this because I truly feel I have nothing to hide, and I have already been fussed at for #1.) Admitting this - - but if my credibility is all I have, it MUST remain intact!!!! and #2.) For not resigning before submitting to testing. Hmmm...... never occured to me, and seems a wee bit shady anyway......

I know the test will come back (+) and have already made initial calls to IPN to self-report and to an attorney who advised me and told me to call her if things with IPN get bad.... (((( ?!?!?!?! :eek: )))) I am fully trusting this process and HOPE I am not naive in doing so....... All that is in my head is "BE HONEST! BE HONEST!! THIS HAS HAPPENED AND YOU HAVE TO OWN IT!!!! :cry:

I see alot of good & bad posts about IPN but what gives me hope is the people that say, "Do what they tell you & you will be OK" or "It's hard, but it becomes a way of life and you can do it" or "you will be stronger" or "the time will pass anyway"

The journey and success of becoming an RN changed my life in many profound ways and I will do everything in my power to protect & preserve my license!!!! NOTHING matters more.... I am NOT struggling with concerns of withdrawal or replacing my "buzz" in any way...... I am not sipping wine as I write this!!!

I am also pretty hopeful, as the attorney stated if I am diagnosed at a level that is a need for "Education" and is not addiction/dependancy, that this is taken into consideration.....

Is anyone else in a similar situation?!?!?! A first-time offender, recreational user, no polysubstance use...... I would love to connect with those in a similar situation........... I know this is going to take months to start and years to end...... I would appreciate any and all feedback.......!!!!!

Thank you for listening to my story and I wish you well!!!!!!!!:redbeathe

I just read this entire thread! Very impressed by you!

Congratulations to you!

I'm new to California's Diversion program and have a similar situation to yours. I'm wondering what you did say at at those AA/NA meetings...."I'm Jane Doe and I'm a ____?" I haven't spoken at one of my meetings yet and don't know what to say because I am not an addict or alcoholic either!

Thanks and Congrats again!!!

I'm Jane and I'm here to listen.


I'm Jane and I'm here to listen.


.... this is a great way to identify yourself at meetings and at the same time demonstrate that you may not plan to speak or actively participate in the group.... it is good to start off by listening and getting a feel for the stories of others and the dynamic of the group.... try several.... find one you can connect with!!!!

Great point, Suesquatch...!!!

Good Morning,

Just wanted to post another update on my progress / process as I near the anniversary of my termination for (+) THC... I have 6 months of work under my belt now, and the first 90 days was quite an experience...!!! It was the probationary new-hire period, and I had not been at the bedside for almost 6 months..... I felt stressed and scared and VULNERABLE..... I had moments where I needed to say "But you don't understand!!! I haven't done this in 6 months!!! Cut me some slack!!!" BUT ~ I couldn't..... so I feared appearing incompetant on top of everything else....... not long into my job, I made a new friend and confided my secret.... ((( I ALWAYS trust my gut - as a Nurse & a Human Being! ))) and she was great about it, and stated she knew an ARNP going through the program ((( YOU NEVER KNOW!!! ))) and it was such a HUGE relief & SUPPORT to have the one person I could confide in as I re-entered the work force...!!!! My biggest challenge came from a less-than-professional Charge Nurse, and I went straight to HR with my concerns, and presented them in a calm, objective manner. I had written down specific examples of incidents and read from my notes to stay focused on facts... And, quite frankly, I was bold with them in basically stating that they hired me knowing my status, my lapse in work and my fears and concerns that I had returning to practice, and that I needed their support in this matter... and HR was WONDERFUL!!!! I was able to work knowing that HR validated my point of view and that I had their full support... and using the tools I learned in treatment regarding boundaries, and speaking my truth. So - I survived my 90 days, got a great review as my position became permanant, and my skills returned, and I grew into my new job.

I pee once a month, go to my weekly Nurse support group and get positive quarterly reports sent to IPN..... so I fully expect to qualify for my "Early Completion" contingency come April 2011......

This last year has been a journey, has tested me to my core, showed me who I am and what I am made of, and provided many blessings in disguise....

If you find yourself here, I hope that you can emerge on the other side feeling the same way.....

Wishing the very best to you all......

Hello out there....

Another update.... because yesterday, January 28th, is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of me signing my IPN contract. As I have discussed, it is a 2-year contract with an "Early Completion" contingency based on my compliance with the program. To date, I have not had one glitch in my process, and as I complete my Quarterly Reports to send to my Case Manager, I can confidently say that I expect to meet the requirements for early release...!!! This is NOT my one-year date for those requirements, however - - it is one year of being monitored clinically, and I started my job on April 23rd last year... so I am entering my last quarter and can start a 90-day countdown.... and i can hardly believe it!!!

Actually, I have had one small glitch... I received a call a couple months ago from IPN that my urine sample was dilute...!!! That is a nerve-wracking call to receive!!! But, the primary concern here is REPEAT "dilutes" which may indicate some masking or tampering... I was called at 6 AM to drop another urine ASAP and was at the lab when it opened at 0700... since I work nights, i had woken the day of my urine and had coffee and alot of water, and my sample came up dilute... I peed the day I was called, all was well, and I moved on without incident...

One last topic I will share is that my hospital has entered it's busy season, and we all need to pick up extra shifts... the contract limits work hours to avoid the chance of an exhausted, stressed Nurse re-lapsing... I called my Case Manager who requested a "Letter of Support" from my Nurse Support Group facilitator... The letter was faxed to IPN and I received verbal authorization to increase my work hours, and then a letter in the mail stating the same. It was an easy process, because I have remained compliant. THAT IS WHAT IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO..... And it was at this time that I "went there".... and asked my case manager if I could expect to be reviewed for the Early Completion Contingency in my next quarter... when her assistant called to state I could work overtime, she also let me know that my paperwork will be mailed in April....!!!!

This is all based on my continued compliance, but this is all within my control and I am on track to wrap this journey up within 90 days, give or take a few...!!!!

At my last meeting, we had a Nurse Anesthetist graduate from her % year contract... and another had graduated between Christmas and New Years... we looked around the room, at our increasingly smaller group and someone asked... "well, who's next?!?!"

I looked around, and slowly smiled.... and said, "I guess I am....."

"At my last meeting, we had a Nurse Anesthetist graduate from her % year contract..."

that is 5 year contract.... FIVE YEARS..... and she is AMAZING!!!

Hello All,

Well, I have just returned from a much-needed vacation, and am within my 30-day countdown for Early Release from my IPN contract. If you recall, I have a 2-year contract with IPN, with an "Early Release" contigency if I remain compliant for the first year. In my last post, I stated my confidence in my Early Release status, because I had been completely compliant, and everything required of me was in my control......

Weeeelllllllll......... the Universe needed to remind me that we are powerless, and that I needed a good dose of *HUMILITY* because the Friday a week before my vacation I MISSED MY COLOR CALL FOR THE RANDOM URINE SCREENING!!!! This, in my mind, is the WORST thing that can happen... my job and support group facilitator can indicate that I am appropriate in my behaviour and performance, and they do not fear risk of "relapse", but unless I produce clean urine on demand, this point is moot!!!!!

My color was called for a Friday, and I realized this when I called early Saturday from work, thinking I was on Friday morning time.... night shift has been a difficult adjustment, and it is a constant challenge flipping around to enjoy days off, then sleeping to work the next night.... anyway, I had Tue & Wed prior OFF work, and was well-rested.... Thursday AM I awoke at 0630 wide awake, and figured I would get a nap in before work that evening... I was to work Thur & Fri nights... I never got my nap, and at the end of my shift Friday AM, I was awake 26 hours before I collapsed into bed. I slept until work Friday night, and on my break early in the AM, I realized I needed to call for the drug screen colors for "FRIDAY".... the next few thoughts flashed through my mind at lightening speed: Colors for Friday?!? Isn't this SATURDAY?!?!! DID I CALL FOR FRIDAY?!?!?!? HOLY HELL....!!!! I called, and against all odds, I heard them announce my color for Friday at 5:30 AM on Saturday, and my random urine screen had been missed. Within 30 days of completion, I no longer was "completely compliant".... I called IPN and my Facilitator IMMEDIATELY and found a lab that took urine on Saturdays until noon - I drove an hour after leaving work, commuicated EVERYTHING to IPN as I went along, and basically dropped a clean urine 18 hours after I would have originally peed anyway.... what is in my favor now is that this is not the action of someone relapsing and not thinking rationally... my Case Manager states I did a "great job" handling the situation, and my Facilitator does not think this will be held against me for my early release, but the reality is that the Review Board has ultimate decision-making powers and may certainly decide this warrants the second year of monitoring.

Additionally, I did miss one shift of work prior to leaving for vacation, as per protocol - - and for the second time in my RN career - - I was *REFRAINED* from practice until IPN received my clean urine. I returned from vacation to a stack of mail that included both letters from IPN stating my refraint from practice and my approval to return. *GULP*

Whatever will happen, will happen... we are powerless, and this will unfold exactly as it is meant to.... if I go another year, a second missed urine will indicate a pattern of behaviour and at that point I would once again be refrained from practice until I could be "RE-EVALUATED" and I am sure that would mean a couple of weeks, rather than days.... that thought scares me to death, yet a big part of me is *sure* that once I submit clean urine in April, and my 4th quarter reviews are submitted to close out my first year on the 23rd, the review board will find in my favor... my case manager states that I did handle this missed urine to the best of my ability, and that she should be able to advocate for my early release... but reminds me at the same time that it is not her decision....

So, Ladies and Gentlemen.... even in these last days and weeks, this journey tests me and reminds me of the DAILY CONSEQUENCES of choices I made 18 months ago..... and it was my original commitment here to share this with you, so that the next Nurse on this difficult path may find some hope or courage or guidance..... and the reassurance that this to shall pass....

Love to you all!!!

Let me know how you are doing out there!!! *** hugs ***

Specializes in Impaired Nurse Advocate, CRNA, ER,.
"At my last meeting, we had a Nurse Anesthetist graduate from her % year contract..."

that is 5 year contract.... FIVE YEARS..... and she is AMAZING!!!

Yeah...we CRNAs are something else! (Exactly what, I don't know...but something!) It is so awesome to be surrounded by people who have made it farther than we have. Gives us hope that we can get there just like they did. I just celebrated 16 years last Monday, and tonight I chaired a meeting with 3 people with 20 years or more!! Talk about inspiring! And how do we do it?

One day at a time!

Proud of you my friend! Well done!


Specializes in geriatric.

best wishes Honest&hopeful &hurt!

..does the Universe have a sick sense of humor OR WHAT?!?!?

You see, at the writing of this, I have in my posession my IPN EXIT LETTER :yeah:requiring a completed questionaire and "narrative reports" from myself, my employer and my Nurse support group facilitator. These will be returned to my Case Manager, and I will remain compliant in the program until I receive my final release notice. I did my last random urine last Friday....

And, my dear sweet Momma is in the hospital status-post sub-arachnoid bleed & stroke... :crying2: One life-changing event ends, and another begins.... ***arrrrrgggghhh!!!! *** :banghead:

And, somehow not surprisingly... I find the tools I have learned over the last 18 months serve me even now... to take One Day At A Time, not to worry about tomorrow if I have what I need for TODAY, to know that I am *powerless* over this situation, and to ask GOD to "Grant the the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to KNOW THE DIFFERENCE" (huh..... who knew....)

So ends my journey here.... the eighteen months that changed my life, tested my limits, and made me a better, wiser, SAFER Nurse... because I thought at 40 years of age, becoming a Nurse, it was okay to smoke a joint every now and then..... So I will close as I started... If you make these choices recreationally, STOP NOW!!! If you find you no longer have control of your choices, and are dealing with a true addiction... SEEK HELP!!! Get into *the rooms* and attend a 12-step meeting.... call your Employee Assistance Program... do whatever it takes to make the necessary changes in your life to protect your Patients and your License... It CAN be done... it is a growing, empowering journey that will change your life. Make the first step today... reach out, make a call, start a conversation... it is SO worth it!!! And it beats the hell out of being walked off your job, drug-tested and terminated, losing your job, your right and privilege to practice, and a healthy dose of your self-confidence & self-respect in the process....

And remember.... we are here if you need us..... :hug:

Specializes in Impaired Nurse Advocate, CRNA, ER,.

Well said...and congratulations!

Prayers for you and your mother.:hug:


THANKS, Jack!!!!

I feel like you have been on this journey with me....!!!! :bow:

Guess I might have to change my screen name..... :nurse:

Specializes in Impaired Nurse Advocate, CRNA, ER,.
THANKS, Jack!!!!

I feel like you have been on this journey with me....!!!! :bow:

Guess I might have to change my screen name..... :nurse:

We've ALL been on this journey with you! This is exactly how we recover and remain clean and serene...together...sharing our experience, strength, and HOPE!!! Which you've been courageous enough to do here.

Proud and honored to know you my friend!


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