Hello all, thanks for reading. I am a 35 y/o inactive RN from Ohio. I graduated from an ADN program in 1991 and practiced until 1998. I diverted narcs from my employer in 1996, was offered treatment in lieu of conviction, but in actuality my disease was just getting started. So, long story short, I have a felony conviction, lost my license and continued along this self-destructive path until 2002. I am happy to report that I have been clean and sober since 5-1-02. After about a year clean, I scratched my head and wondered if I could return to nursing and what steps I needed to take to attain that goal. Now, 2 years later, I have done an immense amount of work and submitted stacks of paperwork to the OBN to demonstrate my desire to return to active practice. I have been offered an consent agreement w/ the Board and, if all goes as planned, will have a probationary license reinstated in July! I will have permanent narcotic and practice restrictions, as well I should. My reason for this post is simple....I am wanting to hear from other nurses who've been through this process or are currently, to get advice about how to proceed w/ interviews, etc, what jobs would be 'recovery friendly' and how peers treated them. My hands sweat when I think about telling a potential employer about my past but I am confident that, eventually, I will be hired. I feel like a different woman than the one who used IV narcs thanks to the 12 step program, God and my family. If I can get clean, anyone can!
God bless!