Nursing Students NCLEX


Specializes in Accident and emergency.

I am about to take the NCLEX on WED.....I just took the Readiness test for Kaplan and only got a 58%...I got a 64% on the diagnostic and 63% on the Trainer 7... now I am confused...HELP!!

Specializes in Assisted Living.

It means NOTHING....only two thing..if you pass you fail fail..Kaplan, Saunders..not even close to the NCLEX real matter how knowledgeable you are...this exam will play with will screw you up if the computer doesnt like your answer

your ready. dont worry. dont worry about percents. what someoen says . trust yourself thats the biggest thing you can do for this test. Trust yourself. You made it through nursing school you graduated. smile. gain confidence. The test is fair. completely fair. Look at the question only the question no what ifs, yopou can do it. I had a 68% on diagnostic 69% on readiness 65% on Qtrainer 6 i havent taken it yet... but I have noticed one thing when i stay stressed free i do so much better. take a deep breath. go with confidence youll be just FINE. I promise.

Specializes in Accident and emergency.

thankyou your are such a sweetheart!!!

Specializes in Accident and emergency.

I am a british nurse registered in 1986..worked in ER for many years...came over 15 years ago and didn't work as my winkies were only 3 months and 3 they are all grown up and going to college in the I have two more..,5 and 7!!!!I need to work to help payfor it all!!!!:yeah:!! Its extremely tricky and challenging.....I feel I have done the best I can do within the constraints of my life at present..I do so hope I pass!!! I will be so proud of myself if I do!! Not to mention what will the children make of me if I don't!!!!I really feel as though I am on the cusp! I feel it could go either way, i am not supremely confident nor supremely under confident! We will see!!!!!I have found this resource fabulous by the way thanks to everybody that runs ALL NURSES!!


Specializes in Accident and emergency.
It means NOTHING....only two thing..if you pass you fail fail..Kaplan, Saunders..not even close to the NCLEX real matter how knowledgeable you are...this exam will play with will screw you up if the computer doesnt like your answer

Oh negative..

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

All you can do is give it your best shot and read the questions slowly and try to be clear on what it is asking.

Good luck

Specializes in Assisted Living.
Oh negative..

Whatever....still a STUPID EXAM

Specializes in Accident and emergency.

So I took it yesterday!!! Oh boy it was tricky...I know I got one of the infection control questions COMPLETELY wrong...and probably infected the whole unit.....are these infection control questions a deal breaker? For instance if you get it wrong because it WAS NOT infectious and take too many precautions..thats not as bad a doing the opposite is it!!I should have realised as it asked me a similar question again about the same question and of course I did the same answer as last time as I thought I was right the first time...this is important to realise I think the computer is giving you a second chance, so what happens if you get it wrong again!!!!LOADS AND LOADS of medication questions ,no calc,LOADS OF SATA....DELEGATION AND PRIORITY....but every other question was infection was crazy....Being an older experianced RN from England I found it hard to not to apply my experiances into the scenarios they gave me! Some of the questions were so simple I found myself thinking they were trying to trick me and over thinking obvious answers that were right in front of me and then picking the one that was probably not correct as it was TOO obvious.So beware of that trap.also the questions are very short...not great long explanations as you are expecting,even the delegation ones if anything the answers chioces are longer...oh I had a couple of put them inthe correct order too!! So now I will wait and see..I am not sure it switched off at 75 so its in the lap of the Gods as they say!!!! Chin up!!

were the meds things you atleast heard of before??

im nervous because dont know medicatiosn at all!!

Specializes in Accident and emergency.

Nope not really....I was breaking down the medication word to see if i could recognise any part of it..there were loads of those.questions like...... the dr orders such and such meds which ones would you question and there would be a mixture of different drugs..what do they think I have a degree in PHARMACOLOGY!!! When not in NCLEX land you have the BOOK on the bottom of the medication trolley if you are not sure..well they do in the UK anyway so a drug error can be avoided if you are not sure...also a LOT of drugs have different names in Europe just to make it more interesing for me!!

If you want some about INFECTION control TILL YOU CAN SAY IT IN YOUR SLEEP!! Go to the page in SAUNDERS or KAPLAN about MEDICAITONS read them until you are so familiar with them its like reading a cornflake packet.....everything else you should have some idea about anyway from your nursing school so don't bog yourself down too much. TRUST ME if you know only those two things really well you have no chance of failing as the rest is pretty much common sense....well nurse common sense anyway......

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