"tough" reenactment

Nursing Students NCLEX


(The following is a made for tv reenactment of my experience with the NCLEX-RN)

Yo, wass up N, clex. I heard you was dissin' some of my friends. What? Don't walk away, no... What? You talkin' to me? No no no back up. You talking to me? (At this point I proceed to butt my chest up against the computer monitor). Yo padner (partner) we gonna have some trouble? Oh you want some, ok! AAAww look it's doing a little too-tor-ial. Yo I can dance too. Yeah you like that? (The computer gives me question 1). Oh it's on now padner! Prioritization, is that all you got? Ooh gonna pull out some old school flow rate calculation, ait (all-right) ait, I can hang (no pun intended). Whoa cheap shot! (question 76). I see how we gonna play this....Blam Blam Blam!!! (The computer shuts down at 115). Yeah I thought you had enough...

And then I find out today that I passed!

Specializes in OR.

What is it about stress that brings out the funny in people? The posts on here over the last few days have been absolutely hysterical!:lol2:

That was sooo funny!!! :rotfl:

Glad you were able to show N, Clex a thing or two!! Great job and congrats!

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