"study ADN 5 trisems in RP + 1 trisem in US = US graduate" - is it possible??

World International


good day to all!

may i know your insights about this:

"st. ignatius health science college offers the philippines' pioneer two-year registered nursing (asdn) program specifically intended for those who wish to work in the united states. our curriculum includes a final trimester which qualified students will spend at an affiliated school in the u.s., finishing as u.s. graduates. students will study 20 months in the philippines (5 trimesters of 4 months each) and 4 months at fresno city college in california. "

from: http://www.stignatiuscollege.com/index.htm

what can you say?

Specializes in Critical Care.
So, you are now in the US. After your 6th semester at Fresno, you will be an Associate Degree graduate of Fresno Coll and they said that you are allowed to take the NCLEX exam. However, if you don't pass the exam within the span of 1 year which is the duration of your student visa, you will be asked to go back in the Philippines. If you are not going back then you are an Illegal alien. Then you are not alone , there are plenty of Illegal aliens and over staying people in the US. What If you passed NCLEX? Can you work legally? Take note, the visa here is student (F-1) and I don't know if IRS has granted you the right to work. Well, if you could find sponsors for your working visa or immigrant then you are lucky.

There may indeed be alot of illegal aliens here, but don't expect that this is an avenue to do an end run around the valid immigration process.

The reason why illegals are here are to find jobs 'under the table', of which there are plenty, but none are nursing jobs and none will pay even a fraction of what a nurse gets paid. None will even pay what is considered 'minimum wage' here.

I think suzanne referred to such jobs in an earlier post as 'slave labor', and that is truth.

You will not find any U.S. hospitals willing to hire you until you can prove that you are here legally on a work visa/green card.

You cannot work legally on a student visa and it has been discussed in depth on this site that if you enter on one type of visa (student) and actively attempt to try, while here, to obtain another type of visa (work), Immigration considers that entering for fradulent purposes, and they will Immediately revoke your current visa and not look kindly on granting you another anytime soon.

I'm not saying that you were hinting that it was OK to go 'illegal' once here, but your post indicated that was an option. It is NOT an option if you ever want to be here legally and work as a nurse.



A student visa can get you the CPT that will permit you to work 20 hours per week in a controlled environment.

That you can take the NCLEX-RN exam means nothing at all. You can take the NCLEX-PN exam with LPN training done in the Philippines but you do not qualify for any type of work visa and definitely not the green card.

The issue is what immigration is going to do about it, and from what I have seen, I will be very surprised if a green card is granted based on that. Unless the majority of the instructors have gone over from the US, it is not going to happen. It is going to look like a program that was created to skirt around the issue for immigration purposes, and with all of the issues coming out of the Philippines currently, there is no way that I would recommend a program like this to anyone if your goal is to work in the US. And even trying to get the F-1 visa has become extremely difficult, you are going to need to prove a considerable amount of money in the bank, and to be able to take care of yourself and all of your living expenses without working for that time frame.

As I keep saying, anytime that you look for shortcuts, it always turns arount to bite you on the butt. And what if the government enacts a ruling that you must work two years before being permitted to go abroad, you need to take that into consideration as well.

i already emailed fresno and gave them the link of st ignatius to verify about it..no reply yet .i'll email chamberlain college of nursing ( former deaconess ) to verify as well..

This sounds like a play on words to me. It says "Qualified Students".

What is a qualified student, is that a student with a an US Passport, or is that a student with a green card in the USA.

My other concern is the cost, They want 128,000 Peso for a Trimester, that is about $3,200. Which is about 4 times what I pay each Semester in PI.

Immigration will make the decision whom enters the USA, not a college in PI or USA.

the risks are way too much!!!! i'm on an f1 visa right now (graduating this may) and i can tell you that so far no hospital is keen about sponsoring. how much more with that program....for p128k, please, you're better off doing a bsn.... i think that program is nothing short of a fat scam.

anybody enrolled graduated from this school st ignatius. can someone whos on this school give more information about it

Fresno City College is not INS. They can't automatically grant you a student visa.

I'm here in CA and it's very very hard to get into any kind nursing program. Just getting into a class for the pre-reqs is hard because of the limited space that a community college can accommodate, why would they give priority/space to someone who is not even a US resident in their limited classrooms?

It's just a waste of time and money because it sounds too good to be true...be careful of such advertisements!

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