quitting while i'm ahead

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I was so excited to be finally going to college and starting a career at res care. I started taking the mod classes last week for res care and was doing fine, until I found out I would have to do cpr and first aid. What's wrong with that? Nothing. If you're not anxiety ridden like me. So what happened? I was so freaked out and ended up leaving. I never spoke to my home supervisor so they probably think I quit.

It would have been so great to have this experience for my nursing application not to mention the fact I really liked my clients. Then today my financial aid finally came in and there were so many people I just went home. I want more than anything to be a nurse but I think I just need wise up. I'm gonna stick with my pre requisites cause I need them no matter what and maybe go into computer science. Is there anyone else who suffers from social anxiety??

I really appreciate all of the feedback on this. This is really the first time I've gone in depth about this. I think its more of a social phobia. I can remember always being shy but somewhere along the way its gotten out of control. I have a 1 year old now and its so funny how sociable he is. I just want to be normal. I have made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow and hopefully I will get more insight.

Thats funny, I have a one year old too and he is very socialable! Loves ppl and kids! I just hope he doesnt take after his mommy :lol2:

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

Good luck Amber because Nursing School is all about doing things in front of people. You have skills check off in lab and skill assessments in clinicals. Not to mention the hovering family members and the actual patients themselves who watch everything you do.

I have issues with this but I had to FORCE myself to just do it. Usually I volunteer first for everything like this because the longer I wait the more anxious I get.

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