Quit NS....now I'm afraid I won't get back in!


I need advice from anyone who has experienced this...I quit NS last week. I was behind and struggling to understand the material and some of the procedures. Not to mention...I was consistently scoring below average in my exams. Just as I was understanding the material, we were assigned to acute care, and were given a pt. to write a care plan for. Just hours before I was due at the clinical site, I still hadn't completed the plan, and I just felt as if I had no right caring for a pt. when I couldn't give them the 100% care they deserved. I felt like a fraud. And so I quit. I feel like I let my family down, and myself down. Now I'm hearing that NS aren't too keen on students who quit for reasons other than a medical emergency, and that if I try to reapply for next year that they won't even consider my applicaton! I just need to know if that is true. Has anyone been through my situation, and made it back into a nursing program? Did you make it? Was it easier the second time around? Did you graduate and are you working? Or does anyone know of someone it happened to? I just need you guys seasoned advice! I really freaking out here!

If you are going to reapply for nursing school again, I think it is important for you to assess why you felt overwhelmed and what will change next year. Try to consider how you will set yourself up for success. Any readmission will probably require you to explain what happened this year and how you are going to fix it.

To be honest, nursing school is an extremely overwhelming experience and you really need time managements skills and organization. Nursing school really isn't about how smart you are, it is about how much you put into it and how you manage your time. I am not saying that you didn't put in enough effort, but I would hate for you to end up in this situation again next year. Good luck, I wish you all the best for your future endeavors.

Thanks...As you are in the moment...you do assess. I didn't throw my hands up and just quit. I thought about it and what was at the heart of why I just couldn't get it together. I'm a good, caring person and I know that this is the profession for me. I loved the patients, especially in LTC, but that just wasn't enough. I didn't feel like all-around I was there yet. I knew it in the back of my mind all the time...something just wasn't there, but I kept going. And that was a mistake. I wanted this so badly that I was willing to ignore what was bothering me, because I didn't want to let it go! I now know that I should have just been honest with myself and stepped back and reassesed. And if that meant giving up my spot for someone else, and coming back when I was better prepared...then I should have done that. That's why I felt like a fraud. I do see clearly now where things went wrong, and I can come back tougher next time. It's just that I hope I get that opportunity again!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I have no experience leaving and re-applying, but you sound like you have made a very reasonable case for why your re-admittance should be considered. I'm sure that many students leave for non-medical reasons and as long as you show how things will be different next time, and you were in good standing at the time that you left, I think it's reasonable to think you'll be starting again next semester. But then again, I have nothing to do with your admission process, good luck to you.

Thanks, JBMmommy

Positive or negative experiences by third parties will not necessarily be your individual experience. You must do what was advised and get out there to make your effort. Adopt a positive attitude, but come up with your Plan B, because you can't be assured of success when you reapply. Good luck.

Did you speak to an advisor before quitting? You need to do that. I've seen it go both ways in my program. One of my friends quit in first semester and they denied letting her back in. Someone else I know of was let back in. They both had to go to a committee meeting and tell them why they thought they were not doing well and what they planned to do differently. I guess one was more convincing than the other.

mangopeach...that's my biggest fear. I'm going to speak to an adviser next week, but I didn't speak to anyone before I told my clinical instructor I quit. I plan to plead my case, and be as honest and sincere as I've always been, and hope that that is enough. I am terrified though! Because I didn't know how much I wanted this. I want this so badly. I just wasn't ready...and I hope that I didn't just make a huge mistake. I should have just hung in there!

Thanks for the comments guys! I knew that I could count on you to give me GOOD advice and most of all honest advice!

Good luck! I hope it works out for you.

i quit my nursing program after the first semester of clinicals. i finished the first semester and did pretty well, but i wasn't sure it was what i wanted to do. i went and got a biology degree and then decided nursing really was what i wanted to do. i had to reapply to the nursing program and start over since it was a couple of years later, but they let me back in. i didn't talk to anyone besides someone at the school when i was asking if i had to reapply and what classes i needed to take since they just happen to change some of the curriculum. i will be graduating in may and am glad i went back. :) good luck to you with whatever you decide to do.

austin14...thank you for the inspiration. I will reapply and keep the faith!

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