Published Jun 25, 2010
121 Posts
I am in NYS which participates in the "quick" results. I took the nclex on Wednesday at 2:00pm and the pearson view people told me that I would most likely be able to get the results Thursday evening or Friday morning. They told me at the latest Friday by 2:00pm which would be 48hr. I checked at 12pm today and the results were not up so I decided to call the pearson vue number they gave us for quick results. They told me its really 48 hours not including the day I tested which would be Monday. I know people that have taken it on Saturday and they got their results Monday morning...This is ridiculus!!! Just had to vent.. getting a bit anxious!!
38,333 Posts
Good luck.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Usually it is 48 hours including sat and sun although it can take a little bit longer. NY sometimes show results after 24 hours, have you checked the NY state verification?
I just found out I passed via the quick results! I'm a bit confused as to what the NY state verification is. Is this what people are talking about where they check the state BON and see their name listed? I've noticed people posting about that and I was wondering how to do that. I went to the state BON website and could not find anything on there.
You should be able to search for your name and license number here NYS Professions - Online Verifications