Published Jul 21, 2007
17 Posts
:monkeydance::lol2::monkeydance:i took the exam last june 15th, and it took me for about 3 hours in that 205 questions. it was really a nerve-racking… but then, after a long time of waiting, a month and a week to be exact, i got the results yesterday and guess what?!?! i passed!!!! thank god for the good news.. by the way, it has lots of prioritization questions, medications (side effects and uses) peds, canes, walkers, clear and cloudy insulin administration, and etc.
thanks guys!!!:monkeydance::balloons:
220 Posts
Wow! Congratulations! I hope I am in your shoes a year from now, without having to answer all those questions. Now you can look forward to your first job.
242 Posts
congratulations!!!!!:balloons::smiley_aa :yelclap: :biere:
:monkeydance::balloons::lol2:thanks a lot!!!:balloons::monkeydance:
26 Posts
Congratulations, disreagard my one comment about how long it took i just read it on this post!
Thank you for that post you took my anxiety of taking 205 and failing away ^_^
Oops!!! I already answered your questions there... lol... sorry...
Anyway, thanks!!! and Good luck to you!!!
7 Posts
Hi All,
This is my first post. I just took the NCLEX exam on Monday. I had to answer all 205 questions and am sweating bullets about my results tomorrow. I read a few of the responses and am aware that some pass and some fail at 205. Just looking to hear from people who had all 205 and if they passed or failed. My nerves are shot. I get my results tomorrow.
Much thanks, Mr. Nervous
3 Posts
Congratulations!! Yes, it is very nerve racking but a great confidence booster to know that all that time studying stuck.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
And those of you waiting, let us know.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
Congrats congrats congrats!!!!!
Hi All, I also had the max, number of questions at 205.Whewwww!! I just received my results and I PASSED!!!!!!!! The waiting was brutal but now I can breathe a sigh of relief. Thanks everyone for all your support and encouragement. Now it is time to get out there and get my feet wet, looking forward to it!! Anyone else who had the maximum 205 questions DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!! I am proof that it can turn out just fine.