75 questions vs. 265


Specializes in Tele.

If the computer shuts off at 75 and you fail, is that really fair? I know how the exam works, i know about the answer one right and the next gets harder...my question is this: is it fair to fail at 75 when some people have the opportunity to pass at 265?

I took my exam yesterday, not sure if i got the last one right or not. I did know with all certainty at 70 that it would shut off at 75. I felt like I knew what they were asking for. I didn't think it was terribly easy or terribly difficult.

I got absolutly no med calculations, no OB (THAT SUCKED AS I DID A YEAR INTERNSHIP IN OB). I had lots of general med-surg, about 15 SATA!!!!! I can say that got maybe 3 knowledge/comprehension questions, all the rest were analysis and application questions.

When my hubby and kids picked me up, my boys yelled YOU PASSED!!!!!!! I tried to stay positive for them (at least infront of them), but I think i'm starting to freak out.


if it shuts of at 75 questions, you must be doing very bad generally, not just that last answer. God knows i may have had my last question wrong but i still passed at 75. And that was after 17 SATAs, 4 fill in the blanks, and crazy meds and tricky neuro quesitions.

And i don't think everyone who takes all the 265 questions were doing badly. from what i know, certain candidates are chosen to take the full exam, bless their hearts. So they're doing well but their test isn't gonna shut off.

It's funny, i didn't see any OB on my test as well...

I'm sure you passed. Relax and focus on something else till you can access your results.

Specializes in Tele.

crap!!!!!!! now i'm really feeling like un-royal poo poo. whats worse is that questions are starting to come back to mind, hepatitis A vaccine, HIV and laundry, managers holding seminars, meds and their side effects. Make it stop!!!!!!!

I took the kids to seaworld yesterday to get my mind off it but guess what it followed me there, dang test.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

It is just a myth when people say that some are picked to sit the max questions. If you keep going with the questions it usually means that you are borderline. Many pass with min number as do the ones that pass with max numbers. Believe me I know it is easier said than done but try to relax and not stress about the test as nothing will change the results. 85% pass first time so the odds are good. Good luck

stop thinking about the questions. My aim while driving to the test center was to finish and come home to watch some dvd my parents had purchased cuz i know i had to leave jersey the next day.

Watch a movie, soak in a tub, play with your kids, i had a 6 y.o nephew who was work enough to keep my mind occupied but truth be told, some of the questions just popped up in my mind. I didn't think of the answer though..

Just do whatever it takes to keep your mind occupied.

best wishes

crap!!!!!!! now i'm really feeling like un-royal poo poo. whats worse is that questions are starting to come back to mind, hepatitis A vaccine, HIV and laundry, managers holding seminars, meds and their side effects. Make it stop!!!!!!!

I took the kids to seaworld yesterday to get my mind off it but guess what it followed me there, dang test.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I had to force myself to NOT look things up when I got home ... I was blessed/cursed with a great memory, and I remember way too much of that test! :) I felt good during the NCLEX, and afterwards, for about 20 minutes ... then I thought, OMG ... what if I really totally blew it, and I'm just THINKING I did okay? LOL!! I hear this is a normal thing. I passed with 75 questions, and I'm betting you did as well. :)

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