i have just read an interesting account on the internet concerning the use of versed, either alone for conscious sedation, or in conjunction with other anasthesias for surgical procedures. the article mentioned that versed was an amnesiac which when used erased any and all memories of the performed procedure. i have had versed used in four colonoscopies, and found this to be true. i remember being given an IV beforehand and being wheeled to the procedure room. the next conscious thought i had was waking up and being told everything was over. to this day that is all i remember about any of them. from someone who had told the nurse "i do not want to even see the operating table" before my cardiac bypass surgery in 1995, was just what i wanted to hear. i have learned since however, that while an amnesiac, versed has no analgesic properties. so my question is-----in a procedure such as a colonoscopy, does the patient actually feel the pain and discomfort involved and simply not remember it? thank you very much.