questions please respond :0)


Specializes in Tele.

I would like to know from those of you who recently passed the exam a few questions.

1. How many hours a day did you study? How many months?

2. Did you use kaplan?

3. if you used kaplan, what were your scores on your Qbank? on the question trainers?

4. Do you recomend watching the videos on content of kaplan?

5. Did you use the ncsbn "learning extension" site? did you find it helpful? was it similar to the actual exam?

6. Did you use Lippincott? Mosby's? Saunders? HESI? Davis?

7. What do you believe was the most helpful in passing your NCLEX-RN??

what other advice can you give an NCLEX-RN test taker who is schedule to take her test on the beginning of november??

-Thank you,

All your answers will be greatly appreciated.

Please feel free to copy and paste these questions onto a new thread or to a reply

Specializes in Trauma.

1. How many hours a day did you study? How many months?

3 months or so, about 100 questions per day.

2. Did you use kaplan?

I used the CD with 7 exams

3. if you used kaplan, what were your scores on your Qbank? on the question trainers?

50's-high 60's

4. Do you recomend watching the videos on content of kaplan?

I did that with ATI and loved ATI

5. Did you use the ncsbn "learning extension" site? did you find it helpful? was it similar to the actual exam? Didn't use it and I cannot give out any information about the "actual" exam, sorry.

6. Did you use Lippincott? Mosby's? Saunders? HESI? Davis? Used Lippincott, Mosby cards. I liked them both.

7. What do you believe was the most helpful in passing your NCLEX-RN?? Practice questions and studying key points.

what other advice can you give an NCLEX-RN test taker who is schedule to take her test on the beginning of november?? Not much, just practice questions.

-Thank you

You're welcome:)

1. How many hours a day did you study? How many months?

=12hrs a day for 3 1/2 weeks ( i started reviewing religiously the minute i got my ATT)

2. Did you use kaplan?

=i used kaplan

3. if you used kaplan, what were your scores on your Qbank? on the question trainers?

=my score ranges from 50-60%.. i even got 43% from one of the Qtrainers

4. Do you recomend watching the videos on content of kaplan?

=i didnot watched the videos..but if i had the time i would have watched it

5. Did you use the ncsbn "learning extension" site? did you find it helpful? was it similar to the actual exam?

=i didnot use it

6. Did you use Lippincott? Mosby's? Saunders? HESI? Davis?

=i used Saunder's Q & A..but i focused on the q-banks

7. What do you believe was the most helpful in passing your NCLEX-RN??

=The Qbank i guess, i practiced a lot of questions & i found this notes online w/c helped a lot & fryes 3000+ bullets w/c i carry always, while on the bus or waiting in line..or anytime i can glance at it..

I would like to know from those of you who recently passed the exam a few questions.

1. How many hours a day did you study? How many months?

1-6 hours practicing questions (at least 100/day) over 1.5 months

2. Did you use kaplan?


3. if you used kaplan, what were your scores on your Qbank? on the question trainers?

55-67% on the Q-trainers

4. Do you recomend watching the videos on content of kaplan?

If you don't understand the content, YES

5. Did you use the ncsbn "learning extension" site? did you find it helpful? was it similar to the actual exam?

DIdn't use it

6. Did you use Lippincott? Mosby's? Saunders? HESI? Davis?

Saunders Q&A

7. What do you believe was the most helpful in passing your NCLEX-RN??

Kaplan strategies, doing the Q-trainers as instructed and reviewing/learning the concepts of the questions I answered incorrectly

what other advice can you give an NCLEX-RN test taker who is schedule to take her test on the beginning of november??

When doing the Q-trainers, pretend that it's test day - reheorifice your test day routine including the time you plan to get up, your breakfast/lunch routine depending on the time of your appointment and schedule to do the trainers at the time you're scheduled to take the test. I think this piece of advice was key in my success.

-Thank you,

All your answers will be greatly appreciated.

Please feel free to copy and paste these questions onto a new thread or to a reply


Specializes in Tele.
I would like to know from those of you who recently passed the exam a few questions.

1. How many hours a day did you study? at least 6 hours a day, with breaks in between How many months? exactly 3 months

2. Did you use kaplan? yes, and kaplan "was" the nclex-rn exam!

3. if you used kaplan, what were your scores on your Qbank? low to high 50% on the question trainers? same

4. Do you recomend watching the videos on content of kaplan? yes! there is no way you will remember the material you learned two years ago in nursing school. SO definitely watch the videos!! FO SURE

5. Did you use the ncsbn "learning extension" site? yes did you find it helpful?no was it similar to the actual exam?no, the questions were some what similar, and the answers to the were extremely easy and straight forward....ok very simple compared to the actual exam. If you already taken the exam, you know what I mean, unlike anything I've ever seen in a book.

6. Did you use Lippincott?no Mosby's? no Saunders? no HESI?yes, very compact book that tells you important facts about the diseases. the questions on the cd are really hard Davis? no

7. What do you believe was the most helpful in passing your NCLEX-RN?? studying 24/7, not cleaning the house, having a babysitter for my 1 year-old, not doing the hibidy dibidy with my hubby because I was studying so much, no movies, no lunch with friends, not dinner dates with my hubby..... NCLEX-RN studying and spending countless hours at the kaplan center, rain and shine.. that is what I believe was most helpful in passing my NCLEX-RN

what other advice can you give an NCLEX-RN test taker who is schedule to take her test on the beginning of november??

If you feel you need to reschedule then reschedule... it's your money, your time, your mind.

Study like an animal, and don't ever stop studying

-Thank you,

All your answers will be greatly appreciated.

Please feel free to copy and paste these questions onto a new thread or to a reply


Specializes in Neuro Surgery,telemetry.

1. How many hours a day did you study? How many months?

I studied whenever i get time. 20-30 minutes every other day or 3 times a week for 6 months (long huh? Sorting some family problems that time). I get bored easily. Reading is my narcotic. I always fall asleep whenever I read. sigh...I studied 4 hours a day 3 days before the test and then thats it!

2. Did you use kaplan?

Nope. I used Saunders, Exam cram

3. if you used kaplan, what were your scores on your Qbank? on the question trainers?

didnt use it. Sorry

4. Do you recomend watching the videos on content of kaplan?

Im learn more when I watch. I watch discovery health tho. I learned a lot from it!

5. Did you use the ncsbn "learning extension" site? did you find it helpful? was it similar to the actual exam?

I used it before (3 week plan).--I failed. There is 1 question out of 265 that i took that is 100% from its Q bank!

6. Did you use Lippincott? Mosby's? Saunders? HESI? Davis? Nope

7. What do you believe was the most helpful in passing your NCLEX-RN??

Determination, positive thinking, support from loveones

what other advice can you give an NCLEX-RN test taker who is schedule to take her test on the beginning of november??

Believe you can do it. Pray for guidance, Read, read, read. You dont need to memorize. Understanding on what needs to be done, what the disease is all about is vital altho knowing the normal values is a must.

Best of luck

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