It took me an hour and a half to complete my exam with 82 questions, with the good pop up!
I couldn't be any happier because I finally did it! For the past 2 days I've never been so confident in my life because I had it set in my head that I WAS GOING TO PASS. I freaked a little after I passed 75 questions but I got my head in the game && said I could do it!!! I studied for 5 long, miserbale weeks for this moment && I couldn't be happier with the results.
Now my advice to use for prep is Saunders && Kaplan. Kaplan's Qbanks && Test Trainers are the closest to the boards exam && Saunders offer many alternative style questions. Another tip of advice is to not take into account the number os select all that apply that others have. I started to panic when I heard people were getting more than 20 on their exams but guess what? I only had 5. Your exam is YOUR exam; don't let the format of other people's exams throw you off your game. Remember NCLEX is an exam that tests competency with questions at different difficulty depending on YOU!
Believe in you dreams people!