Published Jul 21, 2012
15 Posts
It took me an hour and a half to complete my exam with 82 questions, with the good pop up!
I couldn't be any happier because I finally did it! For the past 2 days I've never been so confident in my life because I had it set in my head that I WAS GOING TO PASS. I freaked a little after I passed 75 questions but I got my head in the game && said I could do it!!! I studied for 5 long, miserbale weeks for this moment && I couldn't be happier with the results.
Now my advice to use for prep is Saunders && Kaplan. Kaplan's Qbanks && Test Trainers are the closest to the boards exam && Saunders offer many alternative style questions. Another tip of advice is to not take into account the number os select all that apply that others have. I started to panic when I heard people were getting more than 20 on their exams but guess what? I only had 5. Your exam is YOUR exam; don't let the format of other people's exams throw you off your game. Remember NCLEX is an exam that tests competency with questions at different difficulty depending on YOU!
Believe in you dreams people!
128 Posts
Congrats! I recently failed my RN test on the first try, I was super crushed. I have Kaplan books, Q-trainers, Saunders, and the LaCharity book any advise?
I feel totally overwhelmed and discouraged...
Congrats again :)
167 Posts
Congrats! And thanks for the words of advice; I totally agree.
God Bless and Good Luck with everything!
My advice to you is to keep a constant schedule to study. Monday through Friday is a good time frame because it allows you important down time that you need. I used the qbank up completly and did all the question trainers. Question trainers 6&7 from Kaplan && the Qbank are the ones that really matter because they are filled with above passing questions.
I left the last question trainer till 3 days before boards so that way I knew what I was getting myself into. Try && score above a 60% or better. Saunder's CD for NCLEX review is amazing! One of the most best computer programs I have because it allows you to pick && choose what area's to study in, including alternative format questions.
Don't do more than 200 questions a day. I use to burn out doing 300plus a day && I didn't have the strength to review. The most important thing to do is review why you got a question wrong in the first place. Right answer choice should be looked into because you need to know why you got it right. In NCLEX World, every answer choice is right but one is always the best!
Good luck studying!
Did you do more Kaplan questions or Saunders? Did you find it simply to eliminate questions ? I'm trying to do that now and look to see if assessment is needed or Implementation.
I did both but more of Kaplan than Saunders. During my undergrad career I used Saunders mostly so I was already familiar with Saunder's questions.
By using Kaplan && watching the Content videos && doing the online review it helped me pick out what specifically the question asked. It takes lots of practice to do this successfully. My problem areas were health promtion and maintenance so I watched the Kaplan videos on this area && I did questions.
When your studying try to study according to the areas of the test plan itself. Physiological Integrity, Psycosocial Integrity, Health Promotion && Maintence, && Safe & Effective Care. This is how the exam is broken down into && safety is the biggest portion.
56 Posts
So once you finish your 2 year program all you have to do is take a test? No hands on stuff required?
I went to a 4 year school for my BSN && we did have hands on experience as well as any other nursing school provides
369 Posts
for saunders cd, what options do you use when you practice with questions?
like what do you check off ?
congrats!for saunders cd, what options do you use when you practice with questions?like what do you check off ?
I checked off my weak areas. On the Saunders CD you can only do one topic at a time such as Health Promotion && Maintence BUT under the content area I selected all the questions && did 10question quizzes. That was an awesome practice because the questions overlapped in different categories. Then under the Saunders CD they have alternative style questions, practice those too
&& Thanks Everyone! You can do it too!
tothepointeLVN, LVN
2,246 Posts
Boy I mut have blanked out on my NCLEXPN I don't remember there being a blue screen.
5 Posts
Does anyone know what the program code for excelsior is for the pearson pop up? thanks