Published Dec 9, 2005
1 Post
hi, I begin nursing school in Janurary at a local vo-tech. I have talked with many people that i know and they all said i would have to study alot...well on the day that i found out if i got in or not the graduating class came in and talked to us....there were only 15 people out of 36 people who started, that made it through. this has made me feel very uneasy about this and makes me doubt myself if i can do it...i am not dumb but in high school i always had to work harder than most people....i am wondering if there was anything that i could be doing in the meantime to help avoid so many problems. They say this vo-tech is REALLY hard and the one i really wanted in i didnt make it and they were easier and not as strict.
What do i need to do to get started....i dont have my books yet or anything so i was wondering if there was anything at books-a-million or the library. Does anyone know any good study habits that really helped them the best. thanks
180 Posts
Don't let the numbers discourage you. I would also like to say that this is a pre-nursing forum and that we haven't started taking our nursing classes yet. So, we can't really offer you advice in that area. We are still taking our math, english, science, and humanities courses.
Make sure you attend every class, study, don't party, and you should do good. If you learn well in groups, start a study group. Use the weekends to unwind.
You could probably get better answers here:
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I agree with the advise above. You will do great if you have the desire to do this. You are you and never mind everyone else. Best wishes to you. :)
146 Posts
In my first career I was in an electronics technology program. Only 4 graduated out of the original 20+. But guess what? I was one of the 4. I wanted it bad enough to do the work.
Now I'm in Nursing and semester by semester I see 'em fail or drop out. But not me - I want it!
If you want it bad enough, you'll do what you have to do to make it. Have faith in yourself, do the work, and you'll make it. There are millions of others who have made it and you can make it, too!
NJNursing, ASN, RN
597 Posts
I'm in Nursing classes graduating in May. We started last fall with 60 students and we're down to 31 now. In one year we've lost about half. It's NOT easy. You have to work really hard at it and study your butt off. Twenty failed or withdrew in the first semester because they either couldn't hack the work or realized that nursing just wasn't the profession for them. Many people are lured by the fact that it's paying really well right now and the jobs are in demand everywhere, but then don't realize what it really takes to be in the field.
I found the best thing I ever did for me was get a study group together. We all come to the table with our own weaknesses and strengths and sometimes we'll make jokes out of things that help me remember on a test.
But at the same time, everyone is different. You'll find what works for you, but I don't recommend just straight reading. You'll get frazzled, bored and saturated quickly....
288 Posts
:) Hi Welcome to this site.
220 Posts
I am a 40 yr old college student. When I deceided to become a nurse I never stepped foot into a college class. I now have a 4.0, for my pre-req.'s and I will start nursing school this Sept.
I always tell people you have to want it enough. I was told by a friend many years ago that you can do anything if you want it enough.
Good Luck
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,744 Posts
If you're not a reader, I would just read and read, doesn't matter what it is, novels or books. Get yourself used to sitting still and reading. Set up a reading time that is going to be the same as your study time and read for a while.
Learn some stress reducing techniqes. Get started on a diet and exercise program to maintain energy.
Basically what the others say is true, you have to want it real bad. You have to jump right on in and never get behind, no matter what.
Maintain a positive attitude. How you were in high school is not relavent to how your will be in nursing school. It doesn't come easy. Good luck!!!