Question about The University of Memphis


Hi everyone. I am planning on starting at the U of M in the Spring of 2008. I have a little 15 hour/week job at Baptist East. I really like it and it pays well. I was wondering what yall thought about me being about to continue working with the load of school? Thanks so much for your help.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

Depends on what you have have going on. I'd say it depends on your support system. If you have children then it may be difficult, but not impossible to do.

Working and going to school can be done.

I don't have any children which is a plus if I want to keep my job. Thanks so much for the help. I noticed your name, I am also seriously considering CRNA...although it is still a little early for me to know. Good luck with everything.

Specializes in Float.

abelshan... after doing a semester of nursing you can move up to an intern (well it varies by hospital) That may pay more than you are making now where you can work like one shift a week. I think anyone should be able to squeeze in a shift a week. Most hospitals only require one shift a payperiod (q 2 weeks) for interns. I think it's doable!

I just finished my first (Foundations) semester at UM...I have been dean's list every semester. They pile ALOT of classes on you your first semester Foundations triad which includes Foundations, skills lab and clinical, Health assessment and assessment lab, Dosage, Pathology and Pharmacology. If you start in the spring your next semester will be fall, they don't offer Adult Health in the summer. If you make nothing lower than a B then you can complete the program in 5 semesters but if you make one C it will take you at least 6 semesters. So entering in Spring 08 5 semesters would have you graduating in December 09, 6 semesters May 10. I personally did not work my first semester and made good grades so I'll be out in Dec 08.

Specializes in Trauma ICU.

I graduated from the U of M this past December....and I worked every semester. The key is balancing it out. Don't overdo it. The first sesmester will be hard for you to adjust to because you have SO many classes, and you may not be able to work as much because you will be in class almost everyday and will have a test almost every week.

Make sure that you put school before work because if you do make bad grades or fail a class, Baptist will no longer employ you. Good luck to you!

I was wondering if you have any advise to give. I am starting the U of M nursing program this fall and would appreciated any thing you have to give.Are the teachers their to really help or are you on your own.Is there something I should be aware of. Sorry for all the questions.

For the most part, the teachers really are there to help. I have run across a few whos egos are too large and therefore don't try to help as much as they could. If there is something you don't understand see the teacher after class or make an appointment to see them because they will help you. One thing that is vitally important is time management. As another poster said they cram a lot of classes into your schedule so planning out your time to study is important. Each set of tests are within days from each other (so you will have 5 tests in two weeks) and by the end I was always just trying to survive. You can do it!! Its really exciting!

On another note, I am starting my Adult Health semester in the Fall and if there is anyone that could give me any advice I would great appreciate it! Thanks so much.

Specializes in Med-Surg Pulmonary.

hey what do you do at baptist east? It is so hard trying to get a job in these hospitals. I am a nursing student at Baptist and I'm really ready for a hospital job.

I don't work at Baptist East anymore. I quit in January because I was starting nursing school at the University of Memphis and it makes it even harder to get through school if I were to have a job. When I did work there I worked in the Humphreys Building for a Doctor that had a practice. It was a really great job and I wish I could have kept it.

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