I have a question for RN's in LTC regarding CHF in LTC facilities.
What would you do with this patient:
Female, late 80's, DNR (a very clear advance directive and POAHC follows her everywhere)
Previously independent living alone with daily checks and help from family and friends
Her husband of nearly 70 years just passed away beginning of December
Longstanding hx of afib
Coumadin until recently (see hospitalization below)
ACE inhibitor
(I'm sure there are more meds, I just can't think of them right now)
Week long end of December hospitalization for GI bleed (scoped and cauterized gastric bleed) - coumadin d/c'd, UTI developed, altered mental status
Discharged to a "rehab" facility
One month now at LTC rehab facility
Two weeks into stay: dependent edema, requires 02, frequently SOB, very depressed, still somewhat altered mental status with periods of clarity
One month into stay: Severe weeping edema at both lower extremities below the knees; periphery cool to touch; knees mottled, syncope, requires 02 24hrs, SOB, still confused at times, but better, very depressed, no appetite
I'm not completely clear on meds except that lasix was started last week (finally!).
I'm just wondering at what point would a person such as this be sent to the hospital for treatment. Before her hospitalization in December, her CHF was under control with occasional exacerbations that were usually picked-up on and treated right away, succesfully. They did do a ultrasound to check for clots - negative (thank goodness!), but especially with her a-fib, I'm afraid they are letting this go too long. I'm not sure of her renal staus or if she's actually diuresing from anywhere other than her lower legs, and I don't know if they've even checked her blood or have done a chest xray. I'm afraid she'll end up either with pneumonia or pulmonary edema and rotting lower legs and feet.
This is my grandmother. My family, especially my mom, has been through the ringer in the last several months with first my dad dying in October after a year filled with surgeries, illness, and a 4 month hospitalization, then my grandfather (my mom's dad) died in December, and now she's dealing with her mother in this condition. My mom has been the primary family caregiver for both her parents and my dad's mom who's also in LTC.
I'm trying to get information from my mom so I can help her help her mom. Unfortunately, I live 2000 miles away and my mom's burning out BIG TIME. It would be her's and my dad's 49th wedding anniversay on Tuesday. I feel so sad for her, she just really doesn't need anymore stuff like this.
So what do you think? Does this sound like a patient who needs to get more agressive care for the CHF probably in the hospital? My mom told me that when she visited on Sunday, she changed my grandmother's socks 3 times in 3 hours because they were soaked. She ended up taking paper towels from the bathroom and wrapping them around grandma's legs. :stone
She's brought this up with the Nurse more than once, actually each time she visits (3-4x/wk), but doesn't feel she's getting anywhere and fears for her mother's well-being. DNR doesn't mean ignore things that can be treated.
What can/should we do or what are some thoughts? What would you normally see in a case such as this?
I have absolutely NO experience in LTC. I'm an ICU nurse who's very uncomfortable with the way this is being handled.