Question about Excelsior

Nursing Students Online Learning


I am trying to do my research before I decide how exactly I am going to pursue my RN. I am currently a Paramedic and work a 24 on 48 off schedule. I pretty much have decided on using Excelsior. I met with a represenative from The College Network and have considered going that route. I have also requested literature straight from Excelsior. Here are my questions.

If I enroll directly with Excelsior is there a contract involved?

Do I have to buy any course material from Excelsior or can I buy from another source, ebay for instance.

If I don't have to buy the course work from them what all do I have to pay for besides the application, enrollment, and yearly fees?

If anyone has gone this route please help me get started in the right direction. Thank you very much in advance.


Zach, just curious. Why not a local brick/mortar school? I am also a medic and EC grad, but have you considered just going straight for your BSN at a local state college?

I don't think a traditional classroom setting is best for me right now. My wife graduates this December with her BA in Early Childhood Education. After she graduates there is the possibilty of relocation so we will both have jobs. I feel that Excelsior will be the most flexible with me in case we do have to relocate. Also the fact that there are no local colleges offering a BSN program doesn't help.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
After she graduates there is the possibilty of relocation so we will both have jobs. I feel that Excelsior will be the most flexible with me in case we do have to relocate.

Zach, apologies if you're already aware of this, but some state boards of nursing don't recognize/license RNs who are EC graduates. Here's something on EC's website:

Just be sure that wherever you might end up, they'll license you. Most states don't have a problem with initial licensure, and even more accept EC grads who have a certain amount of hours as an RN. There are very few states who will turn down EC grads outright, but California and Maryland are two that won't.

Specializes in ER and family advanced nursing practice.
I don't think a traditional classroom setting is best for me right now. My wife graduates this December with her BA in Early Childhood Education. After she graduates there is the possibilty of relocation so we will both have jobs. I feel that Excelsior will be the most flexible with me in case we do have to relocate. Also the fact that there are no local colleges offering a BSN program doesn't help.

Zach, apologies if you're already aware of this, but some state boards of nursing don't recognize/license RNs who are EC graduates. Here's something on EC's website:

Just be sure that wherever you might end up, they'll license you. Most states don't have a problem with initial licensure, and even more accept EC grads who have a certain amount of hours as an RN. There are very few states who will turn down EC grads outright, but California and Maryland are two that won't.

Just to kind of reiterate what Lisa has pointed out. There are some states that won't accept EC. Several require a significant amount of working hours before they will take EC grads. This could delay a move needed for your wife's job prospects. Also consider, that just because a state accepts EC now does not mean they will when you are ready to graduate. Just ask the Georgia students about the hell they are going through right now.

I am not knocking EC. The problems is with the various boards of nursing and their issues with EC. Something to consider would be for you to just work on your general ed and pre reqs and then if you guys relocate for your wife you could look at nursing schools in your new area.

Just to kind of reiterate what Lisa has pointed out. There are some states that won't accept EC. Several require a significant amount of working hours before they will take EC grads. This could delay a move needed for your wife's job prospects. Also consider, that just because a state accepts EC now does not mean they will when you are ready to graduate. Just ask the Georgia students about the hell they are going through right now.

I am not knocking EC. The problems is with the various boards of nursing and their issues with EC. Something to consider would be for you to just work on your general ed and pre reqs and then if you guys relocate for your wife you could look at nursing schools in your new area.

This is definetly something to keep in mind. However, I feel quite fortunate that the states we may end up in all accept EC without any further requirements. I initially want to knock out all my pre reqs and general ed classes first and will have to make a final decision when the time comes. Thanks for all the input though.

Does anyone know any specifics on WV as far as Excelsior? I know that the EC website says they accept it without any additional requirements. Just curious if anyone has done this in WV. Thanks again!!!

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Does anyone know any specifics on WV as far as Excelsior? I know that the EC website says they accept it without any additional requirements. Just curious if anyone has done this in WV. Thanks again!!!

I've known a couple of West Virginia peeps on Excelsior's peer network and various YahooGroups who have done the EC RN thing without a problem. But keep an eye on things -- sometimes the various BONs can change their collective mind without much warning. That happened in Virginia -- students had to be enrolled by a certain date, and be NCLEX-ready by a certain date to work in Virginia.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Just wanted to add (sorry, at the firestation and went out on a call) -- Virginia has also amended their position and will allow EC grads to endorse in with 960 hours of time as an RN. So it seems as though when state BONs take that kind of action, Excelsior does lobby to have those hard-line positions amended.

Specializes in ER, urgent care.

I am also a paramedic and used TCN and liked it because I didn't have to read all the books. But they do cost $$. Very doable program with a family and other committments. Melissa NREMT-P, RN in Oregon

The tests for each "class" are very straight forward. I have been using Rue Ed for study guides and they are extremely helpful. I passes all of my tests without problems.

What is the killer--the CPNE. I just took mine for the first time and did not pass. It is a pass/fail system. One little error, not doing something exactlylike Excelsior dictates, you fail.

If I had not put all of the time, energy and money into this, I would go another more traditional route. I have been a RRT for 20 years, I have worked in every area of the hospital, I gave allergy shots, I intubate, I assist with bronchs.I have been a director of clinical education and teach both respiratory care and nursing students.

I have never seen a program that fails a student for a minor error.

Sour Grapes? Yes some. I am beginning to believe the rumors that they are in it for the money. The CPNE costs $1950. I get to pay it again. ANd the travel and hotel and etc......

I do kick myself for not doing more research.

My advise, be very sure that this is the route you want to go. The majority of the students I went with failed. (4 out of 7)

Talk to more that have gone throught the CPNE. If you do go this route, practice, practice, practice. Take several workshops. Lynn Fredricks offers a great one. The school encourages you to take theirs, but again--more money for the school.

It is you to you, this is my two cents--spend it wisely.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
I have never seen a program that fails a student for a minor error.

Just for clarification purposes for the OP and others who might be reading, students don't fail the CPNE for just one error -- the labs and adult and pediatric patient care scenarios (PCSs) can be repeated one time each if a student fails one of them, or all of them; there is a bit of a safety net. I failed what should have been my last PCS for not ID'ing my patient properly ... a totally tiny omission, but a critical element of the PCS, and even though I'd totally done it correctly for two previous PCSs, that didn't matter! Luckily I went on to pass my final PCS to pass the weekend, but man ... it got a little too close for comfort.

mtrebe, I wish you luck on your next attempt! Agree about Lynn, too. She rocks. :) Good luck!! Many members of this forum went on to be successful with a second CPNE attempt.

I used Excelsior to go from LPN to RN (I passed my NCLEX on the first try in April with only 75 questions). I did not purchase my material from EC but used Rue and was very pleased with their material. Yes, it may be costly, but they broke the material down and made it easier to study and understand. I took a total of 10 classes and made 4 As, 4Bs, and 2 Cs. (One of the Cs was because I had something bad happen right before I took the test and couldn't concentrate. The other was Microbiology and I was happy to have just passed!) I am considering pursuing my BSN and have thought positively about using EC again. My only problem with them is that I am having a hard time finding a job as an RN because of how I obtained my ASN. Which is totally stupid because we all have to pass the same NCLEX to get licensed. It's not like the computer modified it for me because I got my degree as a distance learner rather than sitting in a classroom. Oh, and I bought some of Lisa Arend's materials and found them to be very disorganized with many, many grammatical and punctuation errors. Wish I hadn't wasted my money.

Good Luck!


Specializes in Cardiac Care, Palliative Care.

I'm currently waiting to take my CPNE--in exactly one month! But I know, from reading the study guide, EPN, and have Rob's dvd, what Excelsior is looking for. Not checking wristbands and washing hands may seem like a silly reason to fail, but I know I have to play by Excelsior's rules to pass this exam, and move on with my life. Like others may tell you, it doesn't matter how long you've been in the healthcare field, if you don't play by the rules, you lose. So I'm throwing away all of my bad habits from working in health care for 7 years, and learning how to do everything by "the book".

Good luck on your second attempt at the CPNE!

The tests for each "class" are very straight forward. I have been using Rue Ed for study guides and they are extremely helpful. I passes all of my tests without problems.

What is the killer--the CPNE. I just took mine for the first time and did not pass. It is a pass/fail system. One little error, not doing something exactlylike Excelsior dictates, you fail.

If I had not put all of the time, energy and money into this, I would go another more traditional route. I have been a RRT for 20 years, I have worked in every area of the hospital, I gave allergy shots, I intubate, I assist with bronchs.I have been a director of clinical education and teach both respiratory care and nursing students.

I have never seen a program that fails a student for a minor error.

Sour Grapes? Yes some. I am beginning to believe the rumors that they are in it for the money. The CPNE costs $1950. I get to pay it again. ANd the travel and hotel and etc......

I do kick myself for not doing more research.

My advise, be very sure that this is the route you want to go. The majority of the students I went with failed. (4 out of 7)

Talk to more that have gone throught the CPNE. If you do go this route, practice, practice, practice. Take several workshops. Lynn Fredricks offers a great one. The school encourages you to take theirs, but again--more money for the school.

It is you to you, this is my two cents--spend it wisely.

Is Excelsior the better route to go from LPN to RN?

My GPA from LPN school is 2.5, and am finding a 3.0 is needed for for an LPN to RN university classroom program.

Any suggestions?

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