Public Service Loan Forgiveness question

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone has some insight into the PSLF program, particularly the Limited Waiver that started during COVID. Some background - I have been a pediatric nurse practitioner since 2008 and still have a large amount of student loans to pay off (~$85k). I have not been paying on my loans during the COVID payment freeze. Unfortunately, I was unaware of the PSLF program when I first started working as an NP and have only worked in for-profit settings. If I had known, I would have worked at our city's children's hospital and would have already qualified for the PSLF program. That being said - I have been reading about the Limited PSLF Waiver and have some questions. I know that they are counting the time during the payment freeze towards your 10 year requirement. I'm wondering if this would apply to me as well, even though I have not been working for a not-for-profit employer for that time period? This is my question - if I decide to leave my current job and get a job at the hospital (not-for-profit), will I start at 0 of 10 years or would I start at 3.5 (time of payment freeze) of 10 years? I have tried to reach out to Mohela to ask this question but they a) don't have a listed email address and b) I've been on hold FOREVER when I tried to call. If anyone has any insight into this, I would GREATLY appreciate it!

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

First-Mohela is extremely frustrating. I was admitted to the PSLF program before Mohela took over my loan servicing and I, finally, just got some notification that my info transferred over. 

That being said, I think you will have to start at 0 with a new job. It would not hurt to apply for the PSLF when you get a new job and see. 

Specializes in Critical Care.

Also make sure your loans are consolidated (the requirement is for, at least, 120 payments). Mine were not and I was denied, even though I've been paying into it all these years and work at an approved facility. 

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

No, only time worked at an eligible organization will count. 

As far as I know unless you had your application in by the October 2022 deadline past payments will not count, and even then, only the past payments made while you worked for a non-profit can be applied toward the 120. 

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