Not sure I handled this properly... I was in the ER today with my 21 year old daughter who has kidney stones. Shift change happened while we were there and the new RN came in to give IV pain meds. She didn't check pat identifiers, didn't clean the IV hub, and didn't flush before or after.
I am a nursing student- have 3 semesters left of my BSN. I have not worked in the medical field yet. I was taken aback and thought I must have miss-seen something, but when she came back in with nausea meds she did the same thing. My daughter looked askance at me about it and I told her I would find out (this was in front of the nurse ). The nurse asked it there was something wrong and I said maybe, and asked her about cleaning the hub. She said, "oh, well everyone does it differently. "
I asked for the charge nurse and talked to her about all of it. She asked if I was a nurse and I said no. She apologized and said the nurse would be talked to.
So, did I handle this right? I feel "yucky" about the whole thing and think maybe I didn't. I would like to work at this hospital, and maybe even this dept as a tech next semester, and as an RN in a couple of years...