Proof that Nurses and Nurse Aides are Angels

Nurses Rock


I heard this story at church a while ago, and I think it is proof that nurses (and nurse aides!) are angels! In this story from 1 Kings, the prophet Elijah is running for his life from Jezebel. He has told his servant to wait in a nearby town, while he goes into the desert and contemplates giving up. 1 Kings 19: 4-5...while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, Lord," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors." Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, "Get up and eat." Sometimes our patients are feeling hopeless, at the end of their ropes. Being physically ill can be a real desert time for people. They may feel like they don't have the energy to "work" at getting well; they may feel like giving up. Sometimes something as simple as encouraging someone to eat, to nourish their poor, tired, sick body, is enough to give them that little bit of hope that they need to regroup and continue healing, or to enjoy the time they have left. So, when you are taking people to the bathroom, or helping them with their bathing, or just getting them out of bed for breakfast or lunch, know that what you are doing is very important! Remember the angel that God sent to Elijah in the desert. The angel did not perform a complicated dressing change, or educate him about the dangers of sleeping in the desert. The angel simply said, "Get up and eat."

i like what you wrote theres so much truth to what you said

Thank you for sharing this insight. It is very inspiring!

Specializes in Skilled Nursing/Rehab.
"I may be on the side of the angels -but don't think for one second that I am one of them.". ~~BBC Sherlock~~ Indeed.

@CheesePotato - Ha ha! I LOVE BBC Sherlock! And don't worry - I don't really think I am an ACTUAL angel. My intent is simply to encourage! Thanks for reading! :)

I have people tell me i'm a gift from god, or something similar. I refrain from telling them that I don't really believe in that, so I'm technically doomed for hell.

I believe if there is a god, you will get a ''performance review'' when you die, not if you believed in the right or wrong religion.

wow awesome story thank you so much for sharing I was so discouraged after work last night I need to remember why I signed on this job to help others!

nice story here!

I have told more then one nurse this during my hospital stays, while I'm not a religious person I do think that some people are put on earth with the sole purpose of helping others no matter what is needed to be done, many nurses are proof of that.

I have people tell me i'm a gift from god, or something similar. I refrain from telling them that I don't really believe in that, so I'm technically doomed for hell.

I believe if there is a god, you will get a ''performance review'' when you die, not if you believed in the right or wrong religion.

religion can not save anyone..

I believe that Nursing is a calling. That the emotions that we are privy too are for many the worst days of their lives and for some..the best; being present at life's beginning and it's end. I have had the pleasure of being treated by nurses who genuinely cared and who treated me with respect and kindness, and those who didn't give a crap and just went through the motions. I am a CNA and a Student Nurse--I believe in treating others as God would have me treat them...with dignity and respect.

I loved my job as a CNA, and pray that I can be a good, caring matter how many times I see the insanity of this world and deal with individuals who abuse this gift of life we are given.

thank you for sharing your thoughts yankeegurl1962

I believe that Nursing is a calling. That the emotions that we are privy too are for many the worst days of their lives and for some..the best; being present at life's beginning and it's end. I have had the pleasure of being treated by nurses who genuinely cared and who treated me with respect and kindness, and those who didn't give a crap and just went through the motions. I am a CNA and a Student Nurse--I believe in treating others as God would have me treat them...with dignity and respect.

I loved my job as a CNA, and pray that I can be a good, caring matter how many times I see the insanity of this world and deal with individuals who abuse this gift of life we are given.

I feel you on that. Nursing is a calling and you can tell the difference between a "genuine nurse" and a "nurse". My only hope is that I am half as good as a nurse as I was a CNA!

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