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About j6doll

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  1. Navy Nurse Candidate Program

    Completing a full military physical is one of the major parts of the application process. You will not be declared "fit for service" if you do not meet the weight requirement for your height, and...
  2. Nursing in the Navy

    I don't think this is quite accurate either. Nurses are not required to do ship time. It's actually not common for nurses to set foot on a ship. There are only a handful of billets for nurses on...
  3. Nursing in the Navy

    OP, I just submitted my kit for the Nurse Candidate Program, so take everything I say with a grain of salt as I only have experience with the application process. Tbh it sounds like your recruiter...
  4. Navy NCP FY 2019

    Are the 75 scholarships for
  5. Navy NCP FY 2019

    I was notified that my kit is complete its and going through a final review to be submitted as soon as the window opens in July. Ahh!!! Recruiter says the board meets Sept-Oct and we have to wait...
  6. Navy NCP FY 2019

    My GPA is 3.3, Might get up to to 3.4 by the end of this semester but I'm worried about that too. My recruiter said not to worry but I know they like to sugar-coat a lot of things, so I really don't...
  7. Navy NCP FY 2019

    Hi, I'm almost through with the application so I can only give information based on what I have learnedfrom my recruiter and the internet (not my first hand experience) 1. You fill out a "dream sheet"...
  8. Cal State San Marcos ABSN Summer 2017

    There are two 5-week summer sessions. The first one is June 5th - July 8th, and the classes are online. They are offering the anthropology course (culture and medicine) and philosphy (medical ethics,...
  9. Csula absn summer 2017

    I got a rejection email last week. Luckily I will be attending another CSU. Good luck to
  10. Navy NCP FY 2019

    Hey! I went to MEPS on Friday, everything went well (that was quite the experience), just waiting for my lab results to officially clear. I signed the papers to start my background check. My recruiter...
  11. Csula absn summer 2017

    I emailed Cindy on Friday to ask if interview notices are still going out, and she said
  12. Navy NCP FY 2019

    Ohh ok cool. Are you in the reserves in a field/divison other than nursing?
  13. Navy NCP FY 2019

    Have you contacted a recruiter
  14. Csula absn summer 2017

    I also received the CSU Mentor application instructions, and have not been invited for an interview (yet, hopefully). I had to email them the syllabus for my cultural anthropology course so that they...
  15. Navy NCP FY 2019

    Yes, I have! I contacted her at the end of December. I finished my motivational statement and LORs, just waiting to be scheduled for MEPS and have my 2