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About heymansgirl

pre-nursing student

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  1. Just took RN NCLEX

    My friend and I just took the NCLEX today as well!! I finished around 77 questions she finished around 80! I had only 1 med calculation and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to do it WE...
  2. Drexel Nclex-rn Review Course

    DON'T waste your money!!!! I took the course and it was horrible!! The insrtuctor just sat and read the stupid 2007 book and offered no insight on how to study or break down the questions. I ended...
  3. We also learned the IM injection sites, but we have only used the deltoid in clinical, and we were also told not to use the ventrogluteal
  4. Interview

    Hi thank you both very much! My interview is for January 10th! It's for an hour and a half so who knows! I can only hope for the best! Thanks
  5. Interview

    Hi everyone, If the school you applied to asks you to come in for an interview does that mean you are pretty much accepted? Also what do they ask at the interview I don't want to blow it by being too...
  6. Abington Nursing Program in PA

    I also apllied to Abington, and I have heard the same things. I spoke with someone who said my pre-req's need to be done, and I did pass the NLN exam but was told my scores where not competitive...
  7. Applying to as many schools as I can

    Some of the questions for the essay are why did you choose nursing as a career and reasons for attending nursing school, something significant in your life and what does nursing mean to you? I know...
  8. Hi was wondering if anyone could give me some good tips. I am apllying to as many nursing schools as I can, and some applications ask you to write an essay. Can anyone give me some good tips on how...
  9. New here and need help!

    hey, thanks for the help! I am applying for the diploma program so I got a 54% in that. Hopefully it's good enough! I'm sick of driving myself crazy worrying all the time! Thanks
  10. New here and need help!

    Hi, I will be applying to the Diploma program, but my second choice school is an Associates degree, so I have a 54% in DI, and 52% in Associates program. Thanks so much for the info. I was up all...
  11. New here and need help!

    Hi I am new to this site and I applied for two nursing schools. I just received my NLN scores and I have no idea whether I passed or not. My schools need you to have atleast a 50%. There are so...