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All Content by Kocono

  1. ED Nurse Practitioner Fellowships

    I interviewed with Vituity; the Morena Valley location was offering about $15/hr for their APP EM fellows. The Visalia, Ca location was about $17/hr.
  2. University of Washington (UW) Fall 2019 DNP

    I've been searching for UW post for months now and this just popped up! I was really hoping for admission acceptance notifications to be sent out March 1st based on previous years posts. I applied to the FNP program.
  3. Vanderbilt MSN 2019

    I tried replying to this and I think I did it wrong. ha
  4. Vanderbilt MSN 2019

    I applied for the post-masters FNP certificate. I was emailed by the Assistant Dean of Enrollment on Nov 19th to verify that I did not want to enter the DNP program. After emailing back and forth a bit, I again decided that post-masters suits me bett...
  5. PLU ELMSN 2017

    Hey interpreternurse! Let us know if/when you start a FB group.
  6. Hey guys! I wasn't able to find a thread for students applying for the June 2017 start so I decided to Start one. I thought it might be nice to hear from other prospective students going through the process. I submitted my application the first week...
  7. PLU ELMSN 2017

    @entryleveleverything That's a good idea. We should start a Facebook cohort for our group! Congrats on getting in and good luck with the commute! I did it for two years going to UW. At the very least, you'll be traveling in the opposite direction of ...
  8. PLU ELMSN 2017

    @CJ222 Nothing. Radio silence. However, the few times I have contacted PLU with questions they have been super helpful and quick to respond.
  9. PLU ELMSN 2017

    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and with so much detail! I did see the cost breakdown on the website, it's super helpful. I was just trying to ballpark how much we should try to pay monthly to offset the interest on the loans. I'll keep...
  10. PLU ELMSN 2017

    Hi MSNhopeful! I was wondering if you remembered roughly when PLU sent you any financial info. My husband and I are trying to set a budget for the next two years and anxiously awaiting that info to pop up in Banner.
  11. PLU ELMSN 2017

    Yah! We will be classmates! Congratulations!
  12. PLU ELMSN 2017

    Looks like acceptance emails are starting to be sent out! :)
  13. PLU ELMSN 2017

    Yah, congratulations. My interview was over the phone, I believe several other people have said their interview was over the phone as well.
  14. PLU ELMSN 2017

    I keep checking back here to see if anyones heard anything yet. I was completely okay with how long the wait was to hear anything right up until this week. I keep checking my email inbox for some indication of how the process is moving along.
  15. Seattle University-APNI 2017 applicants

    Are any of the other schools you've heard from in the PNW?
  16. maybe you should call them back and get a new estimate on the notifications
  17. PLU ELMSN 2017

    I only heard from PLU regarding my application because they needed more info about a pre-req. Other then that they didn't send anything that I can remember. I wouldnt worry yet, I think they are interviewing for several more weeks. You're applicatio...
  18. Seattle University-APNI 2017 applicants

    oh good! I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
  19. nothing yet
  20. PLU ELMSN 2017

    Nope, I haven't heard anything either. FNP interviews are mid Feb so I'm anticipating people to start hearing back the week before the interviews.
  21. Seattle University-APNI 2017 applicants

    Yeah, I kept waiting for those basic questions and they never asked them. I don't feel comfortable with the disclosing the details but the questions felt personal. I know a few of the questions they asked where geared toward me specifically.
  22. PLU ELMSN 2017

    I have a friend that is in his second year at Vanderbilt's program. He loves it, from what I heard about it I wanted to apply there too!
  23. PLU ELMSN 2017

    I have a family that is in this area for the foreseeable future, so I applied only to PNW schools. PLU, SU and OHSU.
  24. Seattle University-APNI 2017 applicants

    Really? I don't know what happened at my interview on Saturday but I was not asked a single one of those questions. Completely threw me for a loop since that was what I was expecting. I must have really gave them a bad vibe or something.
  25. That's awesome congratulations! would you mind telling us how it goes and how their interviews are set up? good luck next week!