Your post highlights multiple issues with NP education. While schools placing the impetus of clinical placement on students compounds the issues, it certainly is not the only concern. Programs that...
You're an angry little clown, aren't you? It doesn't matter what you think. Knowing that such an insignificant act gets someone all worked up is hilarious to me. You disagree. So what? Your hostility...
Hi all, let's review some basic terminology since there seems to be some confusion...
Choice is not equivalent to infinite choice. If you are conflating the two, please stop. The absence of...
It's an opinion, but it's also a rationale. Please explain, how is it not?
You assume that I assume the worst. Not true. Just giving an example of why, for myself (not necessarily for you or for...
On another social media forum, someone asked a question about order of credentials in a resume or signature, etc. A needlessly heated debate ensued. One nurse went so far as to say she "despises"...
Thanks for the responses, folks. It looks like there is a pretty clear consensus. I'm still hung up on the school requiring re-taking of courses - and no, they will not waive these courses, I have...
Brick & mortar DNP program or online MSN program? The DNP program is 3 years, the school finds preceptors for the students. The MSN program is 2 years, students must find preceptors themselves....
The only assumption I've made is that the OP's statement is accurate. The physician's disapproval of the quotation is reasonable. There are valid concerns regarding the use of direct quotes by the...
A lot of people seem to be trying to validate or invalidate the actions of the nurse, but this is not really the question here. There may be valid reasons for quoting or not quoting in chart notes,...
Hair is typically used when there is some sort of dispute. For example, lab results are positive and an employee or patient insists it must be a false positive. Hair tests can reveal the use of...
Hello Firstina, have you looked into accelerated BSN programs? These programs focus on the core nursing courses (no electives, humanities, or fluff courses) and you can earn a BSN in a little over a...
Maybe it is a misprint in your school's catalog? Try to register for it and see what happens. If you can find an online version, this will save you some time - Lifespan Psych is not a course for...
If you're like most people - full of unwarranted hubris - then by all means, force another poor soul to be a part of this doomed, miserable, violent species. However, if you have an ethical bone in...