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All Content by nurse_kitkat1014

  1. Too many interviews?

    I am am soon to graduate from an ADN program in May. I have had 3 interviews last week, 1 today, and 4 more scheduled for tomorrow! (one of them tomorrow is a phone interview). These positions are all New Grad Residency positions in various med/surg ...
  2. How long should you be a nurse before becoming a preceptor? I work for a hospital that does the Versant Residency program for new grads. I am currently one of the "Versants" on my floor. At the end of July I will be at my 1 year of nursing, working i...
  3. Hi guys, just want to get an opinion on something I've been wondering about lately. I'm a new nurse, So anyways, that kind of became a rant but still have have to wonder. Do the policies for general med/surg floors tend to differ for more critical u...
  4. Different policies on different units within same hospital?

    Hmm okay I didn't even think about standing orders, that makes more sense. I'm glad you picked up on the fact that the way she says she just "does it", like she's special enough to. Yeah that's what kind of annoyed me.
  5. Ways to prevent this med error

    Hey guys, so I'm a pretty new nurse. Graduated May of last year, did an 18 week residency/preceptorship program and have been on my own for roughly 5 months. I work on a very busy med/surg floor. I made a medication error on my last shift. Not a "hug...
  6. Submit a School Review and Qualify to Win $100!

    El Centro college ADN program, Dallas TX
  7. What to expect after graduation

    Hello everyone... I have a question that is related to after graduating from a program. I'm in my 3rd semester of an ADN program and will graduate next May. I plan to get married next October, exactly 1 year from now. I also plan on going on a honeym...
  8. What to expect after graduation

    Do I address it in the interview? Or if they offer me a position?