Shanneliz SRNA

Shanneliz SRNA DNP


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All Content by Shanneliz SRNA

  1. how to stand out

    Yeah, I understand! By no means was I saying memorize answers. If you do that, you're screwed and you basically have no personality to them lol. In my interview, the beginning, they asked where I was from and I told them Lake City, FL. and I said ...
  2. how to stand out

    And by "spinning" I mean, for example. I got asked what drug class preceded was and could not for the life of me remember what it was. BUT, from what I studied I told them about what was happening at the cellular level, what receptors were being st...
  3. how to stand out

    Right, hence why I said you cannot possibly know what they will ask you but for myself if I looked at nothing I would've made a fool of myself in the interview ? They also go off of what you say. You run the interview.
  4. how to stand out

    I'd say you did what you needed to do to at least score you some interviews. Something that I did to prepare for my interview and to help me shine is study the school's website like crazy. Find out what kind of interview style they use, and go from...
  5. How are my chances?

    I made a post a few months back about my story of being accepted. I have a lot of helpful tips on how to study for interviews, and even included the study guide I made for the clinical portion. My stats weren’t too notch either, terrible actually com...
  6. I got accepted into CRNA School

    If anyone has any other questions, feel free to PM me! I don't start the program until January 6th, 2020 so I have some free time left to try and answer questions for ya'll! After that though, I can't make any promises lol.
  7. CRNA school chances

    If you get interviews, study your butt off for them. I made a post about a month ago about how I got accepted. The title is “I got accepted into CRNA school”. My stats weren’t the best but I studied my butt off for the interview. Overall GPA is 3.51,...
  8. How many CRNA schools have you applied for at a time?

    Lmao ok good!
  9. How many CRNA schools have you applied for at a time?

    This was my first year applying and I got accepted into a school! I would say go for it and all they can say is you need more experience or you need to improve this or you need to improve that. A lot depends on how you present yourself in thee inte...
  10. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Thank you!
  11. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Well some people may not appear that way, you’re right. But that’s why you have to look up interview tips! Rehearse out loud. If you want it bad enough you’ll do what you can to make sure you prove yourself in the interview! You have to be at least s...
  12. I got accepted into CRNA School

    No I didn’t! I was going to, but when I got accepted at MTSA I accepted the position there because it was my first choice.
  13. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Thank you! I got into MTSA
  14. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Thank you! I think it kind of depends on the program! I honestly would apply at schools and see what kind of feedback they give you. See if you get interviews, if not I would probably seek out surgical or CVICU just because most schools prefer tha...
  15. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Thank you! And you're welcome.
  16. Super common question: CV ICU vs Trauma ICU

    Honestly, both of those units would be a good opportunity in my opinion. Schools typically like CVICU better, but if they have high acuity patients in the Trauma ICU then that would be a good option too. It boils down to what do you like better? I...
  17. Advice for CRNA

    You have to prove yourself in other areas. Get your GPA as high as you can if you think that is what will help you the most. I hear of many students getting accepted with an ok GPA but they prove themselves in other areas. I just got accepted into...
  18. CRNA school admission ?

    I have 2 years of experience in a level 2 trauma icu, 3.5 cumulative gpa, 3.2 nursing gpa, I failed my pharmacology course the first time around in nursing school and I got 2 C's that same semester in Patho and Health Assessment. I also received a C...
  19. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Thank you so much! It really is a great school. Great clinical rotations and since it is an independent institution, there is plenty of staff to help you with any needs that you may have. Once you are done with school, I would suggest CVICU or MSIC...
  20. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Thank you!
  21. I got accepted into CRNA School

    You're welcome, and thank you!
  22. MTSA 2020

    Hello all! I am going to be applying for MTSA's doctorate program for nurse anesthesia. The application opens in January of 2019. Just wondering if anyone else out there is going to be applying? I just finished my first year of nursing in a Level ...
  23. I got accepted into CRNA School

    You’re welcome!
  24. I got accepted into CRNA School

    I work in Trauma so the information has a lot to do with trauma. But the medications I included are pretty in depth and hopefully can help y’all
  25. I got accepted into CRNA School

    This is a copy of the study guide I made ?