Lanntis BSN


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All Content by Lanntis

  1. Lanntis

    UF BSN-DNP 2015

    ::thread ressurection:: If anyone has these answers I am also looking into UF's BSN-DNP as a choice. If it's a once a month affair to travel to Gainesville I could do that! I own a home in Orlando though, and would really prefer to not move for th...
  2. --Didn't know which forum to post this in. Moderators please move to most appropriate place if necessary -- I'm only now in nursing school, but I tend to play the long term game often in my head. I ran this by my primary doctor who I've known foreve...
  3. Lanntis

    Is there a niche for evening/night time practices?

    @Calilotter3 Exactly, the "late" hours are often 6-7 p.m. max. There's not a single normal primary doctor in my metro that stays past 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Same thing for psychiatry practices. There are some mental health counselors that realized ...
  4. Lanntis

    Is there a niche for evening/night time practices?

    I was talking to nursing faculty in my program today and they were absolutely in agreement that is an amazing niche to be filled and like you said , the reason they think it isn't common yet is that 1.) our healthcare system is broken and things that...
  5. Lanntis

    Is there a niche for evening/night time practices?

    Riburn3, YES that's exactly what I saw in a nearby shopping village the other day. An evening clinic that seemed to operate like a normal day clinic but only for pediatrics. It reinforced my belief that there HAS to be a need for things like psyc...
  6. I'm only now in nursing school, but I tend to play the long term game often in my head. I ran this by my primary doctor who I've known forever and she thought it was a good idea. I plan to nurse at night (as an RN), standard night owl etc. etc. Most ...
  7. Lanntis

    UCF 2017 Accelerated Nursing Program

    fiona724, As long at you're a permanent resident and have applied for FAFSA online you should be able to take out undergraduate student loans both subsidized and unsubsidized (government pays interest for you, and government doesn't pay interest for ...
  8. Lanntis

    Best men's watch for male nurses

    Thanks soutthpaw, you selected my watch for me. Got the blue numbers one Seems decent and can wash my hands to kingdom come and back without worrying about it.
  9. Lanntis

    UCF 2017 Accelerated Nursing Program

    Hello! I completed most of my prerequisites at community college because $$ and schedules tend to be much more flexible. Especially when it's not our first rodeo. If you're in Florida (or most states) your CC credits should transfer right into th...
  10. Lanntis

    does dual FNP/PMHNP exist?

    I've been looking around awhile and while it seems there used to be university programs scattered about the nation that offered both family NP and Psych NP certification, I can't find a single program now. Does anyone know if this combo of dual ...
  11. Lanntis

    does dual FNP/PMHNP exist?

    That's a good find! Shame that only Alabama and Mississippi residents are allowed into their dual NP program though.
  12. Lanntis

    UCF BSN Fall 2017

    Congratulations to those of you that got accepted!! I'm one of the people that applied to both the traditional and the 2nd degree program. I was accepted to the 2nd degree (and will be attending in May!) and waitlisted for the traditional. I am a...
  13. Lanntis

    does dual FNP/PMHNP exist?

    Thanks for the clarification on that , is there a common way that dual fnp/pmnh keep their stuff all current without much hassle? I know many NP seem to have this dual combination. I won't need to work 2 jobs in two different worlds will I? Shouldn'...
  14. Lanntis

    does dual FNP/PMHNP exist?

    Thanks missdeevah, they do seem to have a dual program if one were to go all the way to DNP. Definitely something to look into.
  15. I'm starting my nursing program in the summer (accelerated 2nd degree BSN) and I have a general question about what I do after. I'm a long time Florida resident, going to nursing school in Florida. I have long, LONG wanted to leave Florida but fina...
  16. Lanntis

    Moving directly after NCLEX/Licensure?

    So that's one vote leaning toward get licensed in FL first and work for a year ? Any other opinions on best strategy ? I have heard that the West coast is pretty good for nurses once you have that important first year and aren't a new grad anymore.
  17. Lanntis

    UCF 2017 Accelerated Nursing Program

    I also was denied scholarship, but I figured as much. I think only those that had interviews are up for it. I did get accepted to the program yesterday though! Congrats to everyone and good luck to those on waitlist. !!
  18. Lanntis

    FNPs don't let me down!!! Where's the Money?

    Anyone from the Pacific NW region? San Fran up to Seattle? I know CA is not an independent NP state but Oregon and Washington are. What specialties in the next few years do you (or anyone who may know that region) think will be prime for NP's? I'm...
  19. Lanntis

    UCF 2017 Accelerated Nursing Program

    I also received this, and am interested in its ramifications? Is this for everyone who applied and is eligible? It came with a congratulation message but I wasn't aware there were "rounds" involved. Is this psychological warfare? Lol. The only wa...
  20. Lanntis

    UCF 2017 Accelerated Nursing Program

    For the record, I had everything submitted on Day 1 and I'm still showing pending for pre-reqs, TEAS scores received, and minimum TEA score met. I'm not sure what the delay is. I took it at UCF, and TEA scores are sent to the College of Nursing ev...
  21. Lanntis

    UCF BSN Fall 2017

    Farah34, Chemistry is not required by UCF, just "encouraged". I have called specifically to ask that question though. It's only important that you have another science like Biology etc. to use as your main natural science pre-req. :) Seminole al...
  22. Lanntis

    UCF BSN Fall 2017

    Thanks Reenec! I wish I had your overall GPA. My first degree after high school I didn't pay enough care to guard my grades. That was almost 10 years ago. I've gotten straight A's ever since though through a 2nd psychology degree in 2014. Nursing...
  23. Lanntis

    UCF BSN Fall 2017

    Hello, I'm also applying to UCF, but focused on the 2nd degree BSN currently as I already hold 2 bachelors. I would prefer the Traditional BSN because it's a bit slower but I think my stats are garbage and I stand no chance against everyone on this...
  24. Hello, I'm new here on the forums. I am currently finishing up my pre reqs working towards getting into nursing school next year in Florida (not a state I plan to stay in afterwards). Just Microbiology left this semester! Straight A's so far, but no...
  25. Lanntis

    Question about how clinicals work

    Does anyone else have some experience they can share with me? I've been reading through threads over various years, and it seems there are some folks (probably long gone from these forums) that spoke of their programs having preference sheets each se...