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  1. Hello from a new RPN from Canada

    Hi there, I am a new graduate hospitals hire new psych nurses that do not have the psych course yet? I live in Ontario and would like to pursue a psych course.
  2. Which hospital?

    Hi there: I haven't decided which hospital to apply to yet....still looking for feedback for CT hospitals..have you looked into New
  3. Which hospital?

    Hi there: Just wanted to know where you ended up working in CT. Was it Yale? I am still searching out options. Can you tell me if you or anyone you know has worked at New Britain Hospital or Griffin...
  4. Ahhhh!.. The NCLEX

    hello again: i have one more question lol...did you buy both exam cram is called just exam cram and the other one is exam cram practice questions thanks again
  5. Ahhhh!.. The NCLEX

    i loved your posting. do you have any other sayings to remember other lab values?
  6. where in north carolina?

    Thanks for posting a picture of your house.It's beautiful. I was becoming very confused about the cities in NC. Anyway, I am a Canadian who will be relocating to NC as a new graduate. I am single 40+...
  7. Hi Would really like to know if Greenville N.C. is a good place to
  8. How bout living in that better than
  9. where in north carolina?

    I too, am Canadian. I plan to spend a year working in James Bay but will be moving to NC next year. Keep me posted on what you find out. My children are grown up..I haven't got a partner either, so...
  10. Signing new grad contract?

    Did you end up working at that hospital?..What hospital was
  11. Would like info on Pitt County Memorial Hospital

    Hi: I am a Canadian soon to be RN graduate in april/06. I want to work in North Carolina but do not know which hospital to work for. Can someone help me out? I think eastern NC would be good for me....
  12. Hi; I am a Canadian too...where have you decided to work? I went to the same job fair...did you look at wilmington
  13. North Carolina Roll Call

    Hi there I am a Canadian student RN and will be graduating in april/06, can anyone tell me the names of the best hospitals to work for in N.Carolina..i was looking at Cape that a good...
  14. Which hospital?

    Hi there: I am a Canadian that will be graduating with a BSN Apr/06. Can anyone provide me with the names of good hospitals to begin my career with in CT?
  15. where in north carolina?

    I too would like to start my nursing career in North Carolina. I am a Canadian that will be graduating with a BSN in April/06. Is Lafayette a good place to practice? Any feedback would be greatly...