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All Content by ED_Murse

  1. There's a common misconception that nursing school is extremely difficult and you will never have any time to do anything outside of it (it's not and you will!). Prior to going for my BSN I had been working a job doing 60 hours a week so going to col...
  2. Hobbies off duty as a Nurse?

    Outdoor stuff mostly. Climbing, wild camping etc. Working in such a high stress environment, I find that I need a lot of head space to help me destress and the outdoors provides that í ½í¸„
  3. ICU thinking about ED

    You'll never know until you go! It all depends on your personality. As an ICU nurse you'll likely be very organised and well able to prioritise care. You'll need those same skills in the ED along with the ability to cope with the (highly organised...
  4. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    There is a large contingent of guys in my dept. 100% hetro. Just because it's a well known stereotype doesn't mean that it's an accurate one. Edit - plus what does it matter at the end of the day. Male, female, gay or not, we're all nurses and our...
  5. first job at a methadone clinic

    Congrats on your new job! While it may be different from floor nursing, there will still be challenges. You will still need to be able to assess your clients, routine vitals, ekg (for obvious reasons), venepuncture etc etc. Some of your clients wi...
  6. Treat the Patient, not the Monitor.....Really?

    The one time I would trust my monitor implicitly is in ct cause if they're going to arrest they'll probably do it just after they've gone into the scanner......
  7. Treat the Patient, not the Monitor.....Really?

    The way I see it, the saying is more of a reminder to remember to assess your patient - they're not just a bunch of numbers on a screen, and a manual pulse will give you so much more than the screen will.
  8. Things you wish someone told you...

    Trust your instincts. If you think somethings going on with a pt, it probably is. Never touch money. As an ED nurse you end up finding it in the grossest places.
  9. How do you deal with a toxic workplace?

    Leave. ASAP (have a job lined up to go to). I stayed in a toxic workplace for far too long and it was only after getting out that I realised the actual toll it took on me.