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All Content by ED_Murse

  1. Cyclical vomiting syndrome

    IV lorazepam and a bag of fluids
  2. iv catheter/needle gauge selection

    It all depends on the situation. I try and never use 22g unless I absolutely "have" to (because they are useless if you want to infuse a large volume of fluid in a hurry). If someone comes in with a stab wound or gsw then they get a couple of 14/16...
  3. I got a week í ½í¸‚
  4. School project

    1. You may have just finished college and be full of theoretical knowledge but you still have to learn how to do your job. Be open to all the learning experiences you can access. 2. I'm a tattooed nurse and I feel good about myself.....
  5. Where do you keep your trauma shears?

    i find that scissors don't just "cut" it for a lot of things in the ER. Motorbike leathers for example are especially difficult. I keep my shears clipped onto my waistband. Leatherman shears come with a holder.
  6. confessions of a RRT

    Don't feed the trolls.....
  7. Endorsing to the next shift

    That's a good lesson to have learned. Nursing is a 24hr gig and you're only there for 12 (or whatever your shift pattern is). I never (rarely) feel bad leaving stuff for the oncoming shift. I do the time critical tasks immediately, the stuff that ...
  8. Ativan and getting punched in the face

    It sounds like he's got a lot going on pain wise. I'd try going down the analgesia route before sedation.
  9. ER rushing patients to the floor

    The association between length of emergency department boarding and mortality. - PubMed - NCBI On the floor, you have a set number of patients. In the ER they just keep coming in. The majority of research shows that the longer admitted patients sta...
  10. I want to quit

    ER is a tough speciality, for the reasons that you mention and more. I wouldn't be too hasty in making a decision to leave after only 4 months. You mention that you're only a year qualified and don't have acute care experience prior to ER. It tak...
  11. How hard is ACLS certification?

    It's as hard as you make it. If you study the manual pre course, know your algorithms, drugs and heart rythyms it's a walk in the park. If you don't, you probably won't pass.
  12. Tired of the Stereotypes of Medics and EMTs

    Like other posters have said - you need a thick skin to work in nursing, scratch that - healthcare in general. ER nurses tend to be viewed as the "odd relation" of the hospital (Not by everyone!). Same goes for ER docs. Surgeons gripe about medics ...
  13. Catching something from patients?

    The thing you're most likely to catch is chronic back pain. Don't take chances with it, always use proper m+h techniques.
  14. Agree with what was said in the first post. Don't sell yourself short - your current workload sounds very streasful! In acute setting you will have more support, both nursing and medical.
  15. Pain medicine to drug addict?

    Treat her pain. Doesn't matter if she's an ex drug user or a current drug user she is still going to experience pain the same as anyone else - she's just had major surgery. If she tells you she doesn't want opiate based analgesia then that's a dif...
  16. Do you ever wish you were a doctor?

    Nope. I deliberately chose nursing over medicine knowing that I could have been successful doing either degree. I'm extremely proud of my profession. I feel that the people who ask those questions haven't got a clue about the nurse patient relatio...
  17. "If the grass is greener on the other side then water your own grass more" Bigger isn't always better but then you have an idea what it's like cause you did your clinicals there. Any way you can work there per diem?
  18. Don't be too quick to leave a job that you enjoy. There's a lot to be said for working in an environment where you are respected and are able to provide quality care for your patients.
  19. If by cook you mean uncork a bottle of wine then yes, I cook after a 12 hr shift all the time....
  20. Clean stick needle change

    If the needle was attached to the barrel the whole thing should have been discarded. The possibility for blood to enter the barrel is there. I would clarify with your local infection control people - I would be extremely surprised if they said only...
  21. New Grad Starts in ED !!!!!! HELP !!!

    Congratulations! ED is a fantastic area to work in. It's tough coming in as a new grad - be prepared to feel out of your depth for at least 6 months, more like a year. That will pass though! Be safe in your practice, ask lots of questions, especia...
  22. ACLS 2016 preparation

    Follow the manual. Know the algorithms, drugs and rhythms and it's very straightforward.
  23. Nursing Anxiety

    Why stay somewhere you hate? Makes no sense. Not judging - I've been there. Find a job you love and do that, it's much better :)
  24. Who Should Clean Up, Offgoing Shift or Oncoming Shift?

    I can't count the number of times I've come on to resus literally looking like a bomb has gone off in it. You roll up your sleeves (figuratively speaking) and deal with it because you know that the previous shift has been through the wringer. Would...