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All Content by guest973135

  1. How many prerequisites did you take for A&P1&2?

    What school are you attending? At my school there are no prerequisites for A&P so I have been able to finish them up in my first two semesters. For my school it is completely possible to have to prerequisites completed in one year. I agree you sh...
  2. What Kind of Nurse Do You Want To Be?

    Alright so I'm in my first year of college and I love talking about future plans with my fellow students and hearing what they want to be and why :) So what kind of nurse do you want to be?
  3. What Kind of Nurse Do You Want To Be?

    Good point, Ruby. I agree that being a competent nurse is the most important part of being a nurse. So how did your specialty choose you? How did you know it was the right fit and why do you enjoy it?
  4. What are you guys taking for spring?

    English Comp 1 (I wish I would have started English this semester) A&P 2 Statistics For the last one im trying to decide between Human Nutrition or Growth and Development. Any suggestions?
  5. What classes are you taking? Fall 2016

  6. What classes are you taking? Fall 2016

    Hey Guys! I am taking A&P 1 as well. I just had the bone practical last week and I got a 90. Not as high as I would have liked it to be but I know I can study harder this time around for the muscles and do better.
  7. Why did you choose nursing?

    It's hard for me to explain why I am choosing nursing, just because I've wanted to be a nurse for such a long time. When I was a kid healthcare always interested me, and I loved helping people and making them feel better. My dad is the biggest inspir...
  8. Hi Everyone! I'm a new member to allnurses though I'm very familiar with this site as I am interested in nursing and there is a lot of good advice on here. I am beginning college this fall, a local college that recently transitioned from being a com...