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  1. New Grad Pay Rates

    Um.......18/hr plus 5% is not 27/hr. That would be a 50%
  2. LPN pay in Florida

    Nursing is not all that great in Florida. The pay may be good but you pay for living there. Make sure to check out the property taxes and house insurance. We were going to relocate there in the spring...
  3. Why so few LPN Programs in Indiana?

    Pat, What kind of questions do they have on the TEAS? I am curious. I am taking my pre-reqs now at Ivy Tech and hoping to get into the transition LPN -RN in the spring of 08.
  4. LPN phasing out to be QMA's only

    I have heard that. I work in a medical office where MA's do exactly the same work as I do ( Im an LPN). I get the feeling that employeers are saying........Why pay the bigger $$$ for an LPN when an Ma...
  5. Need info on Ocala Please :o)

  6. Hi, We are in the process of moving to Ocala area. Can anyone out there help with the best location to live in Marion county? The BEST school there such a thing as the best NO...