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All Content by AvaRose

  1. ATI will be extremely useful to pass your NCLEX. In addition, even if you have to look up the answers right now doesn't mean you aren't learning. Clinicals are not the same as actually working and you will learn how to do something while on the job. ...
  2. AvaRose

    Seeking advice/sugestions on A&P class

    You'll probably need to cut down on work hours. I was only able to work 16 hours a week most of my last year of nursing school and should have cut back before then.
  3. AvaRose

    Nursing and Personality

    I'm an INFJ. The explanation of the role of "The Advocate" is spot on. Scary
  4. AvaRose

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    ATI helped me so much more than anything else. Many schools are paying for the course as part of NCLEX prep but if not it is $75 and you get a tutor who will give you remediation after each subject test. You start with a comprehensive exam then 7 Mod...
  5. AvaRose

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    This is going to sound strange but pay attention to HOW you read the chapters. Are you reading each and every word of the chapter each time you read the material? If so, DON'T. The first time you read you should skim the chapter for main points..mayb...
  6. AvaRose

    A and P 2 cardiovascular system heart is a pain

    We did the Cardiovascular system in 2 weeks. The rest of the body systems we finished in a week each. Most of it is remembering the circulatory flow and the electrical conduction system plus all of the anatomic components of the system. Try quizlet o...
  7. AvaRose

    ADN new grad jobs

    Try looking in unconventional places if you can't find anything in a hospital setting right away. I found my job on Craigslist. I was unsure at first because of where I found the job listing but it really was the only option after several months (bef...
  8. AvaRose

    How did first job/orientation work for you?

    I'm on week 3 of 4 at a Transitional Rehab (short-term patients). I started shadowing the nurse for one shift and then every day or 2 I picked up another patient (started with one...now I'm up to 4). Granted the biggest problem I have is timing 8 am ...
  9. AvaRose

    What does a rehab nurse do?? New hired rehab RN here.

    So far I feel like I'm attached to my med cart...6 am punch in and get report, 7 am start IV antibiotics (because god help me if the IV pump will let me start the bag on the first attempt...usually it gives me at least 3 errors before it will start),...
  10. AvaRose

    Bowel protocol

    The rehab I work at gives everyone Colace and then adds Milk of Magnesia if no BM in 48 hours and a suppository if no BM in 72 hours. If it goes longer than that then the patient (or Guest as we call them) gets all of the above and if it goes 96 hour...
  11. AvaRose

    WILTW 9/19/16: Dystonic Tasks and Masks

    Congrats! What school are you going to? I'm thinking of DNP as a long term aspiration but I'm not sure I'll be competitive to get into the few schools that have a ADN to DNP bridge (taking into account my non-nursing Bachelor's Degree) since they wan...
  12. AvaRose

    WILTW 9/19/16: Dystonic Tasks and Masks

    I learned that I'm much slower than I thought I was and I may need to tweak my time management routine, though I am only 2 weeks into orientation so maybe things will get better. I also experienced my first time having to stay past the end of my shif...
  13. AvaRose

    New Grad RN Alone in Rehab at Night??

    I feel better about my day today...med pass on my 3 patients took me 3 hours because the new patient had their meds all messed up and there were things missing that had to be pulled from the storage supply of common meds. On the plus side by noon med...
  14. AvaRose

    New Grad RN Alone in Rehab at Night??

    Only 5 days wow...I'm about 1/3 of the way done with my 30 day orientation and I'm just barely starting to feel comfortable with some kind of routine but that's only with 2 patients right now...can't imagine being the only nurse on duty at night with...
  15. AvaRose

    Leaving Nursing for Another Career

    Author...I already took a stab at writing a novel and have one finished and another halfway finished, but the whole finding an agent part sucks a bit.
  16. AvaRose

    Anxiety and Nursing Career

    I understand the feeling already. I've been at my first nursing job for 1 week and I already dread going to work. It's not the working part or even talking to people...its being afraid to do things that I KNOW that I know how to do without having som...
  17. AvaRose

    Graduating w/ only 1 pair of scrubs

    I just started as an RN at a Transitional Rehab facility in Las Vegas and they gave me a stipend for 2 sets of scrubs (thank goodness since the total price including embroidery was $160) I still had to buy one set out of pocket and will have to pay t...
  18. AvaRose

    9-11 - Where were You? What were You Doing?

    I still remember when I was 6 and my class watched the Challenger disaster live on TV because they had sent a teacher into space. Everyone was so excited to see the TV cart roll in and then we sat stunned as the shuttle turned into a fireball...the t...
  19. AvaRose

    Hobbies off duty as a Nurse?

    I'm from Minnesota (northern Minnesota at that right on Lake Superior) and I remember many days worth of recess when it was -20 or -30 outside (actual temperature...wind chill probably -40). Nothing was cancelled until it got down to -60 actual (whic...
  20. AvaRose

    9-11 - Where were You? What were You Doing?

    I was 22 and in college getting my Bachelor's in History (my first degree). My roommate and I woke up early for once and turned on the TV just in time to see the second plane hit. The school shut down since everyone was staring at the TVs on campus a...
  21. AvaRose

    Forced to get flu shot or wear a mask

    I'll get mine here shortly. I finally just got my first RN job today so I don't want to rock the boat. No more Walmart hell and about 3x more money each check :) Plus actual useful health insurance (Medicaid doesn't really count as useful).
  22. AvaRose

    Forced to get flu shot or wear a mask

    I just think it's odd that I react so violently with the mist and don't react at all to the injection (except of course the inevitable injury from the person giving the shot...they always stick me too close to the acromion process and my shoulder get...
  23. AvaRose

    Forced to get flu shot or wear a mask

    The only thing I make sure of is that I get the actual shot and not the flu mist. In boot camp they gave us the mist and I went from perfectly healthy to want to crawl into a cave and die sick in less than 48 hours...plus with all the stress of boot ...
  24. AvaRose

    You know the shift is gonna be a hot mess when ...

    Did Unit 4 come in blind drunk or how did they manage that on a Psych floor?
  25. AvaRose

    You know the shift is gonna be a hot mess when ...

    What did you do or hasn't it been resolved yet?