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  1. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    I was told that we will receive emails TODAY concerning our application
  2. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    It is not fair at all. I hope I get some valuable info tomorrow. Will keep u
  3. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    I was at the edge of giving up until I read stories online of students being contacted few days before the start of nursing school. At this moment I think it is best for us to go to CCBC to see what's...
  4. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    I called the school and spoke to an advising lady. She contacted the director of nursing on my behalf but she was told that he cannot share such information with her. I am planning on going there on...
  5. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    Well, we haven't received letters of rejection yet, which means that there's still hope. Hang in there. I will give them until Friday. If I don't hear anything from them, then I will sign up for...
  6. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    Do you know anyone besides us that's on the wait
  7. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    Hmm u already have a first
  8. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    Yeah I have not even register for classes because I'm convinced I will get in. What about
  9. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    I also applied to the Catonsville ATB Towson. I was told that school start on the 23rd of January for first year nurses. That's like in 2 weeks from
  10. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    Same to you. Most likely we will be informed next week. I Will talk to u
  11. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    On Google, type CCBC online bookstore catonsville. If your location is Essex, then type Essex. Then select spring 2017, and scroll down to nursing. Then I went to CCBC online bookstore and choose...
  12. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    Exactly. It sounds crazy but I already went ahead and purchase some of books needed for the program. I have been studying a lot during the break. I Aready have my stethoscope, blood pressure cuffs and...
  13. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    This is the beginning of January. I checked CCBC forum for Spring 2016 and saw that some of the students that were waitlisted fwere contacted on the 6th and 9th of January 2016. We are in this same...
  14. Ccbc nursing spring 2017

    If you were waitlisted for spring 2017, have you received a phone call
  15. CCBC Spring 2017

    Hey, have CCBC contacted you about your status on the wait