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  1. 17 teens make pregnancy pact

    Actually, there was no pregnancy pact. The principal lied.
  2. How is MO???

    I know what I'm about to post isn't going to be popular and it's not a personal comment to you or anyone else, but geez I don't like when people say this! I don't care if people move here and I'm not...
  3. Is there power in the color white?

    As casualjim said, I'm not yet qualified to talk about power and problems in nursing, but in my humble opinion I wouldn't say it's power. You're just conforming to how people think you should be or...
  4. Plan B

    I'm baffled by people who think this would be abused considering plan b makes you cramp and have a period. I don't know any little girls or women who want to be flowing and cramping 24/7! I'm sure...
  5. Plan B

    A few things here: 1) It seems to me that alot of women who are pro-choice don't have an opinion on what other women should do or not do with their bodies because they want other women to have a...
  6. Male Nurses/female Patients

    Many women - not just older women - don't want any man except the one they love and trust (their husband) to see them. As mentioned earlier, many women have religious beliefs about having a male...
  7. Andrea Yates R.N. I think this is interesting to read, if anyone
  8. Male RN-assist with pelvic exams?

    Is it really that weird or confusing that someone who was just violated and brutalized by a man doesn't want to be touched - in the same area- by another one immediately afterwards? And the wrong kind...
  9. Deaconess start in Jan

    I'm repeating what the staff told us today at orientation. It's not a rumor. Like I said, I'll scan the letter for anyone who wants to read it. I'm sure the program will survive too because of the...
  10. Deaconess start in Jan

    Actually, I just got back from orientation and there is a chance the online program is going to eliminated due to poor pass rates. They're hopeful that it won't be because of the changes they've made,...
  11. Deaconess start in Jan

    I'm starting this January. I have to ask you this, have you had any registration
  12. I say the same thing you do. I, too, feel insulted when someone tells me I look much younger than I am. How would they feel if I asked "Well, how old are you? Really?! You look MUCH older!" They'd be...
  13. Money Hungry Patients

    Actually, The McDonalds case isn't as frivolous as the media and general public make it out to be. I said the same thing you did before we discussed this case in my trial and litagation class....
  14. Blood in Urine

    Urinary tract infection? I had one a few weeks ago. I didn't see any blood, but my doctor said there was blood in my
  15. pls explain..hypothyroid how can you have..

    Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it. I am really frustrated with him. I gained 20 in the blink of an eye and he didn't seem to think anything was wrong despite the fact that I hadn't stopped...