

Utilization Review

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About artistnurse

artistnurse has 15 years experience and specializes in Utilization Review.

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  1. Hospital U.R. nurses

    Specifically your nurses who work with a hospital, can u share what you did to get a good understanding of what insurance payers are looking for in reviews? How to avoid denials? How many reviews are...
  2. my job may still be hiring...but I'm in
  3. Thinking about quitting (yes, one of these)

    Actually I wasn't "steering" her anywhere. She was looking for viewpoints not judgements. I was looking for neither. Life decisions aren't always so cut and dry so that one just "quit"s at the drop of...
  4. Thinking about quitting (yes, one of these)

    I want to encourage you. I have to be honest. I developed anxiety when I became a nurse. A major panic attack was my introduction to residual generalized anxiety after a shift on the floor. Nursing is...
  5. Telephone case management, full time rv'er

    yes, compact states. the internet connection is pretty
  6. To all case managers who actually work from home, do you think it's feasible to do this as a full time rv'er as long as i have a dedicated office in my rv with phone, internet,
  7. Thank you. This specific situation was not discharge teaching, and the recording was being done by an uncle on his phone. The patient had some issues one normally wouldnt want disclosed to anyone...
  8. Actually if you read back, I never refused anyone anything. I said I personally dont want to be recorded, and its not for discharge teaching, nor am I interested in "making it more likely" that they...
  9. I am not interested in being on someone's phone recording on a personal level. So for family members who take it upon themselves to record patient teaching, I itch to ask them to stop. My hospital has...
  10. I came down with suspected C diff

  11. I came down with suspected C diff

    Im concerned with getting sick
  12. I came down with suspected C diff

    well employee health is saying i can come in. im not having diarrhea and i feel better.
  13. I came down with suspected C diff

    So to have a tooth pulled my dentist put me on an antibiotic. I ended up in the ER where they told me they suspected I have C diff and sent me home on PO flagyl and cipro. I was fortunately off for a...
  14. Transition from bedside nursing to case management

    I'm curious to know how it's been going. I'm now interested into going into case management. Pros cons, things you miss about
  15. A worn out topic

    thanks. there's nothing wrong with updating old