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All Content by NotYourMamasRN

  1. Catching something from patients?

    I have seen half the staff at a LTC center catch the critter.... aka scabies.
  2. On the Job Injury and Career

    Hi All, As many of you know, I am in grad school and recently changed my major to get out of nursing through a VA program for disabled veterans. I was injured pretty badly on the job, I don't want to go into details yet, but it was through no fault o...
  3. On the Job Injury and Career

    Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for an answer on. I love volunteering because I still get to help people :-)
  4. Overweight Healthcare Workers

    I like your post and video, I think it highlights the stereotypes that people often associated with healthcare personnel.
  5. Is age just a number?

    Haters gonna hate! That's what I say to that. Follow your passions and your dreams, don't let the opinions of others hold you back. On a more personal note, the CNM that delivered me was an RN for 5 years and then became a midwife and had a year of...
  6. how bad is 11a-11p?

    I worked it for awhile and grew to dislike it. I felt with night shift I would have down time at the end of the night and with day shift I would have down time at the end of the shift, but with 11-11 there was nothing but crazy. Sure the shift flew b...
  7. School Bus Tragedy

    So sorry to you, the community, the families, the children, etc. I can't watch it on the news without tearing up.
  8. Are nurses allowed to turn in wanted criminals?

    My answer too. I feel as though I have an ethical obligation to protect public safety, a wanted criminal is a threat to public safety.
  9. Not paying license renewal fees on time (random thoughts)

    I know the feeling, I am in the process of switching my major to MHA and being vocationally rehabilitated by the VA. If it is killing you, please explore your options. I did and I feel like a gigantic pregnant elephant has been lifted off my chest.
  10. Not paying license renewal fees on time (random thoughts)

    I renew everything at least 3 months in advance. Haha, not literally but I am extremely Type A and waiting too close to renewing anything gives me anxiety!
  11. I am Getting Vocationally Rehabilitated!

    Thank you! I am really excited and have some degree of optimism about the future now :-)
  12. Hi All, I am excited because I have finally been approved for a program through the VA that is aimed at getting me out of nursing. If you have read my posts, you know that I am a veteran and my PTSD is greatly aggravated by nursing. I have been unabl...
  13. Do you ever wish you were a doctor?

    No, never. Some docs are great, but the majority of what I have dealt with makes me happy I am not that obnoxious and arrogant.
  14. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    In my experience, it is based on specialty and locality. The state I live in now has very different needs from the last state I lived in.
  15. Why would a long-term care facility require 2 years of experience?

    I think that since they are offering a bonus, they are in desperate need for nurses. They probably do not have the resources to train a new graduate. The add itself is offering a bonus, they want experienced people is my suspicion.
  16. You Can Do It

    You will get there, it take time. It took me a few years to feel comfortable with just nursing in general. :-)
  17. You Can Do It

    Hi All, I just wanted to post something positive today. I have been working on a Tele floor for about 6 months now and I finally feel like I am doing ok and not just surviving the zombie apocalypse. It was a really hard adjustment, going to a floor w...
  18. You Can Do It

    Thank you both. Tele has a wealth of learning experiences, I am happy that I stuck with it!
  19. Is this a bad first nursing job?

    I would get acute care experience, if possible. It is hard but it is worth it when you think of learning experiences.
  20. The "How was your day" question

    "It sucked"
  21. Graduate School after Chamberlain

    No problem at all. I have a BSN through them and I am doing my MSN there. I love my learning experience and it has challenged me. The cost is high but I did have the GI Bill so it offset a lot of out of pockets costs for me. I wouldn't go anywhere el...
  22. If You Could Only Give ONE Piece of Advice to New RNs

  23. Chamberlain MSN Fall 2016

    I am halfway through the program, I love it. I am focused in healthcare policy. I have had some really awesome professors that motivate and inspire us. They did recently change the discussion curriculum, so it is much harder to get full credit for we...
  24. Graduate School after Chamberlain

    In the last ER I worked in, there was a group that did their BSN at Chamberlain. Most all of that group started the MSN program at University of Maryland and one at Georgetown. Chamberlain is CCNE accredited and not a single one of the nurses I know ...
  25. What do you consider a heavy patient assignment?

    In my experience, which was much like yours, LTC only sees dollar signs. They see dollar signs in admitting all these patients and don't want to waste any money doing responsible things like adequately staffing, training, and providing resources for ...