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All Content by par2nurse

  1. CA to CO Diversion???

    I'm currently in the CA diversion for mental health and am considering a move to CO to be near family/friends in the near future. I'm having trouble finding what, if any, program CO might have for RN's, it appears mainly just that they want coworker...
  2. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    I haven't seen anyone post anything about which waitlist they were on. Most in fact don't really talk about having been waitlisted as by that point they seem to just be excited to be in and there is a lot to then focus on with regards to compliance a...
  3. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    Hi Oregon2424, From what I can see most of us stick mainly to our individual cohort Facebook groups once accepted so it's a little more difficult to answer your question. But I did try and do a run down of the members in the main group and from what...
  4. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    I've been seeing students added more recently to the general Facebook. I see some of them making comments that they were "just" accepted, so I'm pretty sure as some drop for various reasons the school moves down the waitlist. Sadly you just don't ge...
  5. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    Here's the link for the summer group, but I just read through my packet and it sounds like OHSU will start a group and invite us after we send our form & deposit back. Look up: OHSU ABSN 2016-2017 Summer Cohort
  6. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    Do you see it under the list of groups you are a part of on your about page? I didn't find it when searching. My only guess is you are automatically a member when creating, and must have at least one other member. This was the first time I've created...
  7. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    When I created the summer one I found I had to add at least one member to make the group, so I added my son and then when I had the first request to join I added that member and deleted my son as a member. If you don't see your group listed under you...
  8. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    Yay! I wasn't sure if OHSU did or if it was the students, I figured we could start with this :)
  9. OHSU Accelerated BSN 2016

    Hi everyone! I was accepted into the summer cohort on the Portland campus, woohoo!!! I went ahead and started a Facebook group if anyone wants to join so we can all connect and support each other through this exciting journey! OHSU ABSN 2016-2017 S...