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All Content by chocoholic1

  1. 2021 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    Does anyone know if being in NCLRP interferes with the PSLF (public service loan forgiveness) in any way? I'm hoping not!
  2. HRSA Nurse corp scholarship 2022-2023

    Do they pay your loan servicer directly? Does being in the NCLRP effect the PSLF at all?
  3. 2021 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    Do they pay your loan servicer directly?
  4. 2021 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    @heymynameisLA I am also checking my status daily... Sometimes even multiple times a day LOL. Your HPSA score and DTI are both a lot higher than mine, I would be shocked if you didn't get it.
  5. 2021 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    Congrats to everyone who has already been accepted! My status still says under review and I'm trying not to lose hope but its looking like I'm not going to get it. ? @USLEEP Do you mean they are notifying people until Sep 30th? How did ...
  6. 2019 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    Does anyone know if the new bill that makes federal loan pardoning tax-exempt will impact the nurse corp loan repayment program? Does anyone who has qualified in the past have any tips for filing taxes so that its clear that it isn't technically inc...
  7. 2021 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    Does anyone know if the new bill that makes federal loan pardoning tax-exempt will impact the nurse corp loan repayment program? Does anyone who has qualified in the past have any tips for filing taxes so that its clear that it isn't technically inc...
  8. Pharmacist to become a nurse

    I would not recommend pursuing nursing in this situation..
  9. So, the title pretty much says it all. If you turn down a job offer, will that hospital likely not extend any more job offers to you in the future? The type of unit I want to get into is typically competitive so there really isn't any chance o...
  10. How Long After Applying to a Job...

    Can anyone who has recently (in the past six months) started a new job share how long after submitting your application you waited before being contacted for an interview? I know things are different now so I'm curious what others are experiencing.
  11. 2020 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    So if you are accepted, you can switch positions within the same hospital without being kicked out of the program, right?
  12. 2020 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    I'm planning on applying next year - the website doesn't give very much info. I have confirmed that the hospital I work at qualifies, but does it matter if you work in the OR or PACU (my friend and I both interested in applying next year)? I know s...
  13. Not sure CRNA is for me

    Okay I know this post is from many years ago, but do you know if she had to go back to school or was she able to get an NP job with a CRNA degree?
  14. Are you new to the OR? If you are, I don't think its a big deal at all. Its hard to get used to. Just learn from it! ?
  15. Teaching Without A MSN?

    I know this post is from years ago, but to those who were leaving CRNA, what did you wind up doing? Anyone get an NP job without having to go back to school?
  16. Not sure CRNA is for me

    I know the original post is from a few years ago - any update? What did you do?
  17. Nursing Informatics : demand, job opportunities, hiring

    First of all - so sorry about your pregnancy. I was also wondering what the outlook was. I am thinking about applying to a masters degree program, and I would be willing to move for a couple years to gain experience after graduating if I had to. I ...
  18. Life after CRNA school dismissal/withdrawal

    Does anyone know why exactly schools won't accept someone who left another program? I know getting dismissed is bad, but what about people who left for a non-school related matter which has been completely resolved and they want to try going back to...
  19. Midwestern university srna class of 2016

    Are those that are applying right now or being interviewed right now applying for a 2019 or 2018 start? I'm assuming they start in the fall? Thanks in advance
  20. The day that I got to eat lunch. Lol, kidding. I have run into a few former patients out in the world and its great to see them healthy and walking around after seeing them miserable and in bed.
  21. nurse/caretaker suppository legality

    I don't know about legal or illegal, but it is likely the agency the caretaker works for that has decided they can't do it just because of any potential liability issue. The caretaker is probably just following agency policy. I agree that maybe a fa...
  22. I commend you for deciding to stay even though it will be tough to be away from your family. If you signed a contract I would check to see if there are any stipulations, or check the facility policies. Like you mentioned, I think they probably just...
  23. Epi Given to Student - My First Time

    Nice job! Good thing you were there :)
  24. Looking for possible career change

    You don't necessarily have to leave nursing. For ex, if you have OR experience you can become a scheduler, or look into telemedicine companies. Best of luck with whatever you choose.
  25. NCLEX Pearson Vue Trick Ever Wrong??

    I've never heard of it being wrong, but I still wouldn't rely on it, you never know!