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About jls485

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  1. Drexel University?

    The ACE program is probably the most difficult program in the area, I said this because I finished it. As far as disorganized, I agree, however; I also have friends who goes to the Villanova and...
  2. whoa, now i have a quick question. you said i must stop practicing. is that mean they gonna let me go? because i'll be working as gn, and will be taking the nclex maybe 3 weeks after i start. do...
  3. Crab guys, I still need some help or opinion after I checked out all the posts. I have an interview coming up, do you think I can just wear shirt and
  4. Job description for new grad?

    Thanks for the encouragement. This is for New York Presbyterian. I thought my resume is pretty good and she said my qualification are impressive.... I guess this is just a generic rejection email....
  5. hi guys, I need your opinions, I have a job descriptions below, do you think it's suitable for new graduate? The reason I asked is because I got rejected for interview Clinical Nurse I - RN -...
  6. Starting Drexel ACE in Sept.

    If you don't have insurance, you can get the the shots from Drexel, it's a walk in office in Drexel/Hospital. You will have to pay in
  7. XP: Drexel ACE and Scrubs Question

    yea, the yellow is not a good kind of yellow. Everyone can spot you from miles away and know that you're from drexel; and you won't be hide when you're on the floor, hahaha. Some people get the...
  8. XP: Drexel ACE and Scrubs Question

    It has to be a certain color to match Drexel's color, yellow top and dark blue bottom. Drexel provides you a place in the city where you go in and get fitted; they sew drexel's name on the scrub. You...
  9. Recent Grads: Is it necessary

    Oh yea, they also give you stephescope and blood pressure cuff. The stephescope sucks, a lot of students bought better ones, but I'm fine with it. Once you get used to what you need to hear, you...
  10. Recent Grads: Is it necessary

    Tell him don't waste the money, it's true. The program will give you a PDA, it is
  11. Starting Drexel ACE in Sept.

    JDNNUrse is right, see all your good friends while you can because you won't see them much or at all for 11
  12. Hey David, what do they mean by "season"? Is that mean they don't hire till next year? till fall? till the end of the summer? oh
  13. NPs in EM?

    Hi suemom2kay, I'm from Philly area. That's what I've seen as well, there are plenty of PAs work in the EM etc, but not much of NPs. Do you mind telling me which hospital would that be? Just curious...
  14. I don't think is flooded, at least I hope not because I'm graduating in Sept. (hopefully). As far as requirment goes, I heard from a friend that Jefferson and HUP requires BSN now. There are many...
  15. NPs in EM?

    Hi everyone, I hope you guys can answer some of my questions. I'm currently in an accel. BSN program and will be done in Sept. I eventually want to go to grad. school. I looked into emergency...