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All Content by bebebond

  1. Mid-forties : Looking for a Specialty to Grow Old In

    I think Beth, RN gave good advice. I an 64 and on a Med/Surg floor at a small community hospital. I have found over the last 10 years that the stress of management, ER and ICU is not what I want in my life. I also see that transferring within a compa...
  2. I am a very seasoned RN who has been working on a solution for the many AC sticks we receive on the floor from the ER and OR. These units all have very good reason to use the AC and even though the problem has been brought up by management at my faci...
  3. Trouble with infusion and the AC stick.

    Sometimes time is short or the patient needs Vanco or some other abrasive antibiotic. An AC stick can work and the patient can bend their arm as usual. Vessels can follow the pathway of an outer object-spacer. It is an alternative fix.