

ICU, Med-Surg, Float

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About irishicugal

irishicugal has 16 years experience and specializes in ICU, Med-Surg, Float.

critical care nurse - took me long enough to make the speciality call but I got there in the end! Still feel like a newbie sometimes even though I'm doing this since 2000....

Latest Activity

  1. It Ain't Like The Movies!

    We have a company here called happythreads and they actually advertise the scrubs as "as seen on tv" you can pick the scrubs from greys anatomy or from nurse Jackie lol
  2. I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic... At least I hope so!!
  3. Working in Ireland without agency

    Hey there! So many pros/cons with both systems, I'll tell you what I know of either... Private healthcare is the closest to the American system. They are starting to develop ED's but they are only open certain hours and result in very few admissions ...
  4. Tattoos?

    THIS!! Also, they quoted bloody Leviticus lol, we can't wear mixed fabrics either, bear that in mind next time you want cotton blend scrubs [emoji23] Proud owner of 16 tattoos and counting, I'm lucky to live in a country where it doesn't matter what ...
  5. A Headache is not an emergency

    Lol, I thought you got the sarcasm, and were responding with sarcasm too!! Doh!!
  6. Working in Ireland without agency

    I'm from Ireland and trained here so I didn't use one [emoji3] you should be fine and because you trained in the EU then getting registered should be easy enough. In terms of finding employment, particularly with HSE, you need to be here in person if...
  7. Working in Ireland without agency

    Where are you based? You can apply directly to HSE at but you need your registration with NMBI first. Is there a reason you don't want to use an agency? They would make your journey a lot easier!
  8. Ireland application pack please!

    Registered General Nurse... We have 5 divisions on the nurse scale, General, Children's, Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities and Midwife.
  9. Code Question?!?!

    You can't get any deader than dead... Push it all in, stat!!
  10. Ireland application pack please!

    I found this too...
  11. Going to ICU after working ER

    I worked ED for several years before transferring to ICU, as did several of my colleagues. ICU is like the Resus bay of ED, only a lot more organised lol (think organised chaos rather than chaos). I love ICU, and feel I've found my niche. However, re...
  12. Ireland application pack please!

    Sorry about that! I suggest you give the NMBI a ring, I don't think it entails that much, particularly if you are US trained. They may want you to do an unpaid 6 week adaptation course before issuing a PIN number. Have you contacted **********? They ...
  13. Heat stroke & DIC????

    What's DIC? Sorry, not a US nurse, sometimes your abbreviations and acronyms baffle me...
  14. Ireland application pack please!

    Did you train outside the EU? If so, this is the link you need... NMBI - Trained outside Ireland Group 3: NMBI
  15. St. Vincent's hospital dublin

    Before you can apply for a visa you need to get Irish nurse registration - I would advise you to find an agency who will both process your visa and help you find a job, but you will need to be registered as a nurse first! HTH [emoji3]