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All Content by rnnluvnit2006

  1. New nurse having a hard time with coworkers

    Sharks in the water!! Welcome to the Lions den! Seriously....some nurses are awful, and like to eat their young. You are new, you are learning, and unfortunately you get to learn about human nature and evil people. As a new nurse , and this goes f...
  2. Glutton for Punishment?

    Education is nothing to scoff at. While there are many hospitals that will hire an ADN or LVN, the reality is most will not The competition is quite high, why would you not align yourself with the competition to increase your odds at a better job or ...
  3. Switch Shifts?

    Princess Bride Night shift is awesome!... I have worked nights for 11 years, and would never dream of going on days....nightshifters are just different personality wise than dayshifters... You say you are always tired...your problem is you are trying...
  4. What am I doing wrong?

    Nursing school tests are nothing like college tests.... You need a base knowledge, but you also have to be able to think outside the box...critical thinking... every answer could be right, but you must pick the most right, based on your knowledge of ...
  5. California Board of Nursing Endorsement

    I believe when you go onto nursys and enter your credit card info, you also enter the states you want notified of your verification. I know I also printed it out and sent it in with my application, which is 17 pages long!
  6. California Board of Nursing Endorsement

    NURSYS verification is instant As far as BON and time...When I put in for my license, I also applied for a temporary. That was issued about 3 months after I applied, and then I received countless letters about my transcripts, and having to prove I t...
  7. Student needing guidance

    Jules Since most hospitals In todays market are attempting to obtain magnet status, an ADN prepared nurse is going to have a hard time finding employment when the requirement for an incoming nurse is to have a BSN. The competition is higher, and alt...
  8. Student needing guidance

    Most ADN programs require almost the same number of prereqs as a BSN program My advice to you is this... Many people start with the thought process of the fastest way to get there is to get the ADN then go get the BSN. Many people graduate with their...
  9. Nursing school with a family, anyone?

    How exciting to be able to go back to school... What kind of work are you doing now? You mentioned you will need to take prerequisites to get into a nursing program so at this point in time, the nursing program hours at the school you are considering...
  10. PKU test help

    PKU s are not my favorite either, however as seasoned mom baby nurse I can give you a few pointers Heel warmers swaddle the baby with the foot out put the crib at an incline with the head elevated do it under the heat lamp hold the heel in the grip f...
  11. prescription drug addiction

    "Why did I go through this whole story? My "new " PCP (I was her first repeat patient) that I had to go to because of my pain meds when I was discharged recently sent me this e-mail...."I know you still have terrible pain but "we" need to dc your pai...
  12. i already feel rejected

    Good for you for pursuing your goals... A few words of advice and some FYI Nursing school is NOTHING like college...it is extremely intense and requires a lot more than knowing how to study.... Many 4.0 students are very disappointed when they realiz...
  13. My first cry

    Think of it as a right of passage...your preceptor was preparing you for being thrown to the dogs... I remember my first night off orientation, I started with 8 patients, discharged 3 and picked up 3 more...OMG!!!...I was on a 12 hour shift, hit the ...
  14. Always Rumors

    OMG!!! I get so angry when people sit and talk about other peoples mistakes...good lord, we have all made a few in our lives... I guarantee you at least half of the nurses you work with would have made the same mistakes as you did...but I bet they wo...
  15. 34 yr old starting out...help

    You are never too old to go back to school! If your dream is to become a nurse by all means...become a nurse!...Even if that means you don't graduate until you are 50! That said...in my humble opinion...Do not waste your time getting your LVN, unless...
  16. Nclex after year need help

    You could do a couple of things.... You could take a Kaplan review course...pricey, but worth every penny You could study on your own Or you could just take the test...and if you fail, retake it in 90 days... you passed nursing school, you could not ...
  17. I am currently on my 2nd extension/3rd contract with a Sutter facility in SF, and I absolutely love it. I work 12 hours shifts, and the permanent staff work 8's, so I overlap two shifts. I have a clause in my contract for max cancelled shifts, so w...
  18. IV fluids after C/S, am I wrong???

    I know different hospitals have different policies, so they can differ, but I have been an OB nurse for 10 years and for as long as I have been one, every facility I have every worked at has run fluids on a c/s for 24 hours. You run 1 bag of Pitoci...
  19. My husband doesn't want me on ALLNURSES

    Me thinks you have problems that are much greater that allnurses~~ I am not currently married, but if my other half so much as tried to have an opinion he knew nothing about....well there would be food flying!!!
  20. Travel Nrsg: Will they train me in new certifications?

    Like Ned says...furthering your skillset/certifications is on you, but most agencies give you a bit of $$$ for obtaining certifications. I personally dont think I will ever go back to staff nursing. The money in travel is phenominal, and the fact th...
  21. Resignation dilemma

    There is always gonna be a job You are not always gonna have your mom Why are you still here????
  22. Sleep schedules

    I will never understand the logic to orienting a night shifter on days. Would a day shifter be expected to orient on nights? The excuse is always we see more on days...I digress...you should be orienting with your colleagues you will be working with...
  23. Struggling with work/life balance

    you can have a life, you just have to be flexible...and don't make plans... I work the same schedule, but for years I worked every fri sat sun...I loved that...... I belong to a 24 hour gym that has a pool, and of course every other amenity known to ...
  24. Night Shift Survival

    I have been on nights for over 10 years. For me, it is a way of life. I don't live days ever...I am completely flipped by 12 hours...12 noon is midnight to me. Always. It takes a little getting used to, but it works. Who says you have to live mains...
  25. California License by Endorsement

    One fee is the "initial application fee" and the other is "initial license fee" This is incorrect. I applied for a temp/license by endorsement last April, and it took until August 2015 to receive my temporary. They wanted to verify my education, ...